NFP Articles
The Facts of Life & Marriage (2005)
Social Science & the Vindication of Christian
Moral Teaching
by W. Bradford Wilcox
In 1968, Pope Paul VI released Humanae Vitae, an encyclical affirming
the Christian tradition’s ancient and constant moral teaching that
contraception is wrong. Sadly, Humanae Vitae came as a shock to many Christians
inside and outside the Catholic Church, who thought that the church was
ready to accommodate herself to the modern view of marriage as primarily
a relational, not procreative, institution.
Indeed, in the wake of Humanae Vitae, the Catholic Church largely lost
her ability to successfully convince the American laity, not to mention
Christians throughout the West, of the truth and beauty of her moral
teaching on matters related to sex and marriage. Three historical, sociological,
and intellectual factors help account for this failure.
Three Failures
First, Humanae Vitae came at the worst possible moment in history.
The encyclical arrived in the wake of Vatican II, just after the
Catholic Church had thrown open her windows to the modern world.
Unfortunately, the modern world was then succumbing to the siren song of
the sexual revolution, was awash in a pervasive anti-authoritarianism, and
inclined to a hedonistic ethic fueled by unprecedented affluence. As the
Catholic biblical scholar Luke Timothy Johnson observed at a forum sponsored
by Commonweal magazine, “American
Catholics truly became American at [precisely the] moment when America
itself was undergoing a cultural revolution.”
In the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s ascendancy to the presidency,
and their own dramatic increases in educational and economic attainment, Catholics
in the United States were coming into their own as independent-minded Americans.
With their newfound status, they were less inclined to extend undue deference
to the opinions of the Holy Father, and the Catholic Church more generally,
especially on matters that would require them to sacrifice their cherished
American aspirations to upward mobility and consumer comfort—sacrifices
often associated with having a large family. For all these reasons, most
American Catholics in the late 1960s and 1970s rejected Humanae Vitae.
Second, and just as ominously, this rejection led many of these
same Catholics to call into question their commitment to the
whole fabric of Catholic moral teaching on sex-related matters.
If the Catholic Church is wrong on birth control, the thinking
went, she is probably wrong on divorce and remarriage, premarital sex,
and so on. As Johnson, himself a critic of Humanae Vitae observed, “The
birth control issue finally initiated many American Catholics into the hermeneutics
of suspicion,” a hermeneutics that made them skeptical of all the church’s
pronouncements regarding sexual morality.
Indeed, the controversy surrounding Humanae Vitae was, as Andrew
Greeley pointed out in The Catholic Myth, “the occasion for massive apostasy
and for [a] notable decline in religious devotion and belief,” as many
Catholics concluded that the Catholic Church had fallen out of touch with
the modern world. This controversy also hurt the church’s ability
to speak to the larger Christian community on issues of sexual ethics and
family life, as she was seen to be out of touch with the realities of modern
Third, the mistaken view that the church is hopelessly out
of touch, hopelessly inflexible, and hopelessly bereft of compassion
on matters related to sex and marriage has been and continues
to be advanced by Catholic intellectuals with substantial public
platforms. The pronouncements of Charles Curran, Andrew Greeley,
Richard McBrien, and other like-minded Catholic theologians and
social scientists have only added to the confusion, dissent,
and scandal that swirls around Christian moral teaching.
In various ways, and with varying degrees of clarity and honesty,
the dissenters argue that the church must accommodate her morality
to the ways of the world if she hopes to speak in an authentic
way to the experience and concerns of modern men and women.
They also argue—and this is important—that
the most compassionate route forward for the church is one that leads
to changes in her moral teaching. Law must give way to grace, rules must
give way to experience, dogma must give way to the Spirit, and the pope
must give way to the people.
Accommodationist Error
In the heady decade of the 1970s, when a countercultural
tide swept over the Catholic Church and the nation as a whole,
and the academy was in thrall to the counterculture, this accommodationist
agenda seemed to have a certain plausibility. No longer.
The first problem is that the accommodationist agenda is based
on bad social science. When most of these intellectuals were
in their prime, the best social science suggested that the
ideal posture of the church to “family change,” as
it was euphemistically called, was one of acceptance and support. But contemporary
social science on the contentious issues of our time—such as contraception,
divorce, and cohabitation—suggests just the opposite conclusion. The
shifts in sexual and familial behavior to which these dissenters would
like the church to accommodate herself have been revealed in study after
study to be social catastrophes.
Let me be perfectly clear: The leading scholars who
have tackled these topics are not Christians, and most
of them are not political or social conservatives. They
are, rather, honest social scientists willing to follow
the data wherever it may lead. And the data has, as we
shall see, largely vindicated Christian moral teaching
on sex and marriage. So the intellectual foundation for
dissent on moral matters is collapsing.
The second problem with the dissenting agenda is that its moral
laxity has been most disastrous for the most vulnerable members
of our society: the poor. The poor have paid and continue
to pay the highest price for the cultural revolution that Curran,
Greeley, McBrien, and others would like the church to baptize.
Let me now offer a summary of the social scientific research
on contraception and divorce that illuminates the problems
with the accommodationist agenda.
Broken Connection
In Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI warned that the widespread use
of contraception would lead to “conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of morality”;
he also warned that man would lose respect for woman and “no longer
[care] for her physical and psychological equilibrium”; rather, man
would treat woman as a “mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no
longer as his respected and beloved companion.” Why? By breaking the
natural and divinely ordained connection between sex and procreation,
women and especially men would focus on the hedonistic possibilities of
sex and cease to see sex as something that was intrinsically linked to new
life and to the sacrament of marriage.
In the United States, Humanae Vitae was the
object of unprecedented dissent. Let me summarize
the argument of one dissenter on this subject,
Andrew Greeley, a priest, Jesuit, and professor
of sociology at the University of Chicago. First,
Greeley argued that Catholic teaching on contraception
does not appreciate that married Catholics rely
on sex for bonding, and they should not have to
worry about bringing a baby into their lives when
they bond.
Second, he claimed that the hierarchy is more concerned about
keeping its power, by blindly following church tradition
on contraception, than with helping ordinary people. “The problem is the arrogance of power that makes many
church leaders insensitive to the problems of ordinary people and heedless
of their needs—and of the Holy Spirit speaking through their experiences,” he
declared in The Catholic Myth. He even went so far as to suggest that “[messing]
around with the intimate lives of men and women to protect your own power
is demonic.”
There we have it. The popes’ and bishops’ efforts to uphold the
Christian tradition’s consensus against artificial contraception—stretching
from the Didache in the first century, through such documents as Calvin’s
Commentary on Genesis in the sixteenth century, to at least the Anglican bishops’ notorious
decision in 1930—is legalistic, unrealistic, and demonic.
But on this topic, as on others, Greeley
does not reconcile his polling data with what
he knows the sociological data says about the
consequences of widespread contraception in
the United States. What does this data tell
us? Well, scholars from Robert Michael at Greeley’s own University
of Chicago to George Akerlof at the University of California at Berkeley
argue that contraception played a central role in launching the sexual and
divorce revolutions of the late twentieth century.
Contraceptive Losers
Michael has argued that about half
of the increase in divorce from 1965 to
1976 can be attributed to the “unexpected nature of the contraceptive
revolution”—especially in the way that it made marriages less
child-centered.1 Akerlof argues that the availability first of contraception
and then of abortion in the 1960s and 1970s was one of the crucial factors
fueling the sexual revolution and the collapse of marriage among the
working class and the poor.
I will focus on Akerlof’s scholarship. George Akerlof is a Nobel prize-winning
economist, a professor at Berkeley, and a former fellow at the Brookings Institution;
he is not a conservative. In two articles in leading economic journals, Akerlof
details findings and advances arguments that vindicate Paul VI’s prophetic
warnings about the social consequences of contraception for morality
and men.2
In his first article, published
in the Quarterly Journal of Economics
in 1996, Akerlof began by asking why
the United States witnessed such a
dramatic increase in illegitimacy
from 1965 to 1990—from 24 percent
to 64 percent among African-Americans, and from 3 percent to 18 percent
among whites. He noted that public health advocates had predicted that the
widespread availability of contraception and abortion would reduce illegitimacy,
not increase it. So what happened?
Using the language of economics,
Akerlof pointed out that “technological
innovation creates both winners and losers.” In this case the introduction
of widespread effective contraception—especially the pill—put
traditional women with an interest in marriage and children at “competitive
disadvantage” in the relationship “market” compared to
modern women who took a more hedonistic approach to sex and relationships.
The contraceptive revolution also reduced the costs of sex for women and
men, insofar as the threat of childbearing was taken off the table, especially
as abortion became widely available in the 1970s.
The consequence? Traditional
women could no longer hold the threat
of pregnancy over their male partners,
either to avoid sex or to elicit
a promise of marriage in the event
their partner made them pregnant.
And modern women no longer worried about
getting pregnant. Accordingly, more and
more women (traditional as well as modern)
gave in to their boyfriends’ entreaties
for sex.
In Akerlof’s words, “the norm of premarital sexual abstinence
all but vanished in the wake of the technology shock.” Women felt
free or obligated to have sex before marriage. For instance, Akerlof finds
that the percentage of girls 16 and under reporting sexual activity surged
in 1970 and 1971 as contraception and abortion became common in many states
throughout the country.
Immiserating Sex
Thus, the sexual revolution
left traditional or moderate women
who wanted to avoid premarital
sex or contraception “immiserated” because
they could not compete with women who had no serious objection to premarital
sex, and they could no longer elicit a promise of marriage from boyfriends
in the event they got pregnant. Boyfriends, of course, could say that pregnancy
was their girlfriends’ choice. So men were less likely to agree to
a shotgun marriage in the event of a pregnancy than they would have been
before the arrival of the pill and abortion.
Thus, many traditional
women ended up having sex
and having children out of
wedlock, while many of the
permissive women ended up having
sex and contracepting or aborting
so as to avoid childbearing. This
explains in large part why the contraceptive
revolution was associated with an increase
in both abortion and illegitimacy.
In his second article, published in The Economic Journal in
1998, Akerlof argues that another key
outworking of the contraceptive revolution was the disappearance of marriage—shotgun and otherwise—for men.
Contraception and abortion allowed men to put off marriage, even in cases
where they had fathered a child. Consequently, the fraction of young men
who were married in the United States dropped precipitously. Between 1968
and 1993 the percentage of men 25 to 34 who were married with children fell
from 66 percent to 40 percent. Accordingly, young men did not benefit from
the domesticating influence of wives and children.
Instead, they could
continue to hang out with
their young male friends,
and were thus more vulnerable
to the drinking, partying, tomcatting,
and worse that is associated with
unsupervised groups of young men.
Absent the domesticating influence
of marriage and children, young
men—especially men from working-class
and poor families—were more likely to respond to the lure of the street.
Akerlof noted, for instance, that substance abuse and incarceration more
than doubled from 1968 to 1998. Moreover, his statistical models indicate
that the growth in single men in this period was indeed linked to higher
rates of substance abuse, arrests for violent crimes, and drinking.
From this research,
Akerlof concluded by arguing
that the contraceptive
revolution played a key,
albeit indirect, role
in the dramatic increase
in social pathology and
poverty this country witnessed
in the 1970s; it did so
by fostering sexual license,
poisoning the relations between
men and women, and weakening the
marital vow. In Akerlof’s words:
Just at the time, about 1970, that the permanent cure to poverty
seemed to be on the horizon and
just at the time that women had obtained the tools to control the number
and the timing of their children, single motherhood and
the feminization of poverty began their long and steady rise.
Furthermore, the decline in marriage caused in part by the
contraceptive revolution “intensified . . . the crime shock and the substance abuse
shock” that marked the 1970s and 1980s.
Falling on the
One pair of statistical
trends illustrates the way
in which the social pathologies
of the late twentieth century
fell disproportionately on
the poor. About 5 percent of college-educated
women now have a child outside marriage (little
change since the 1960s), but about 20 percent
of women with a high-school education or less
now have a child outside marriage (up from 7 percent
in the 1960s).
Why were family decline and attendant social pathologies concentrated
among poor and working
class Americans? Think of marriage as dependent upon two pillars: socioeconomic
status and normative commitment. The poor have less of an economic
stake in marriage, so they are more dependent on religious
and moral norms regarding marriage. Middle-class and upper-class
Americans remain committed to marriage in practice because
they continue to have an economic and social stake in marriage.
They recognize that their lifestyle, and the lifestyle of their
children, will be markedly better if they combine their economic and
social resources with one spouse.
So the bottom line is this: The research of
Nobel-prize-winning economist George Akerlof
suggests that the tragic outworkings of the
contraceptive revolution were sexual license,
family dissolution, crime, and poisoned relations
between the sexes—and that the poor have paid the heaviest price for this revolution.
This research suggests that the Catholic Church’s firm commitment
to the moral law in the face of dramatic and widespread dissent from within
and without is being vindicated in precincts that are not normally seen
as sympathetic to Catholic teaching.
This research
also suggests that
the dissenting agenda
advanced by people
like Andrew Greeley amounts
to a false compassion.
Greeley is right to claim that
the Holy Spirit speaks through
people’s experiences; but a sober
look at our experience with contraception reveals that the Catholic Church’s
magisterium, and the Christian tradition it conveys, best advances the
earthly happiness of men, women, and children, not contraception.
We have considered
one of traditional Christianity’s most controversial
moral teachings. I now turn to the issue of divorce and remarriage, where
once again the church offers a sign of contradiction to the modern world.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church aptly summarizes the church’s
teaching on divorce and remarriage:
is a grave
offense against
the natural
law. Divorce is
immoral . . .
because it introduces
disorder into the family and into
society. This disorder brings
grave harm to the deserted spouse,
to children traumatized by the separation
of their parents and often torn between
them, and because of its contagious effect,
which makes it truly a plague on society.
The Catechism is making two central points: (1) divorce harms
children, and
(2) divorce is an infectious social plague that hurts the commonweal. For these
reasons, among others, the church condemns divorce and
prohibits remarriage.
The church’s seemingly inflexible position on divorce also comes in
for serious criticism from the dissenters. Notre Dame theology professor Richard
McBrien, for instance, argues that the church’s position makes no allowance
for individuals whose marriage falls apart “despite the best efforts
of all concerned.” He further argues that this pope does not encourage “the
way of compassion” in dealing with Catholics who have divorced and remarried,
and does not acknowledge the “traditional
a day-to-day
McBrien’s argument, which echoes the arguments of mainline Protestants
the early twentieth century, boils down to this: The church should dispense with
the moral law in an effort to be more compassionate to people in difficult situations.
But what we have, once again, is false compassion.
clear when
we take
a careful
look, once
again, at
the data.
scholars—from Leora Friedberg at the University of Virginia
to Nicholas Wolfinger at the University of Utah—have shown that divorce
does in fact function as a social plague. Friedberg showed that passage of
no-fault divorce laws in the 1970s accelerated the pace of divorce by about
17 percent between 1968 and 1988.3 Wolfinger showed that a parental divorce
increases the children’s
by far
can see
that Pope
John Paul
II is right
when he says that
divorce “has
devastating consequences that spread in society like the plague.” And
we can see that McBrien’s attempt to help people in difficult situations
greatly increases the chance that their children will wind up in the same
difficult situations, which in turn greatly increases their children’s
I would
like to
on the
of the church’s teaching,
that divorce brings grave harm to children. I am going to focus on the research
of Sara McLanahan, a professor of sociology at Princeton (and one of my advisors
for my doctoral work there). Like Akerlof, McLanahan is no conservative. In the
1970s, as a divorced, single mother, she set out to show that the negative effects
of divorce on children could be attributed solely to the economic dislocation
it caused.
20 years
the subject,
she came to
the conclusion
that the social
and emotional consequences
of divorce also played
a key role in explaining
the negative outcomes
of divorce. She also found
that remarriage was, on
average, no help to children
affected by divorce.
Children’s Benefits
In Growing Up with a Single Parent, written with her colleague
Gary Sandefur
of the University of Wisconsin, McLanahan argued that the intact, two-parent
family does four key things for children.4 First, children
benefit from the economic resources that mothers and particularly
fathers bring to the household through work and sometimes
family money. Second, children see their parents model appropriate
male-female relations, including virtues like fidelity and
self-sacrifice in the context of a marital relationship.
Third, because both parents are invested in the child, they
spell one another in caring for their children, and
they monitor one another’s
This reduces stress, helps to insure that parents are not too strict
or too permissive, and makes the intact family much more likely than
family arrangements to forestall abuse. Finally, fathers often serve
key guides to children seeking to negotiate the outside world as adolescents
young adults. Fathers introduce them to civic institutions and the
world of work, and provide them with key contacts in these worlds.
also argued
that stepfathers
do not have the history,
the authority, and
the trust of the children
to function—on average—as well
biological fathers.
the child’s point of view, having a new adult move into the household
creates another disruption. Having adjusted to the father’s moving out,
the child must now experience a second reorganization of household personnel.
Stepfathers are less likely to be committed to the child’s welfare than
biological fathers, and they are less likely to serve as a check on the mother’s
what effects
did she
from divorced
are more likely to
drop out of high school:
Data from the National
Survey of Families
and Households showed
that children in divorced families
had a 17 percent risk of dropping
out of school, compared to a 9 percent
risk for children in married families,
even after controlling for parents’ education
race. Other surveys found similar results.
raised in
are more likely to
have a nonmarital birth while
in their teens: The National
Survey of Families and Households showed
this risk to be 15 percent for girls
with divorced parents, compared to 9
percent for those with married parents.
Again this survey is typical. McLanahan
also found that boys raised outside of an
intact nuclear family are more than twice
as likely as other boys to end up in prison, even
controlling for a range of social and economic
McLanahan also explored whether children in stepfamilies did
better than children in single-mother families. Bear in mind
that by the time she was conducting this latest round of research,
she had remarried. Here is what she found: “Remarriage neither reduces nor improves a child’s
chances of graduating from high school or avoiding a teenage birth.” In
Falls on
the Poor
The final point I
would like to make about
the divorce revolution
is that it has fallen,
once again, disproportionately
on the shoulders of the most
vulnerable members of our
society. My own research with
the National Survey of Families and
Households indicates that married couples
with a high-school diploma or less education have
a 19 percent higher risk of divorce than married
couples with a college degree. Other studies show
that poor and working-class married couples are
much more likely to divorce than are middle- and upper-class
married couples.
So, after spending 20 years researching the effects
of family structure
on children, McLanahan came to this conclusion in Growing Up
with a Single Parent:
If we were asked to design a system for making sure that
needs were met,
we would probably
come up with something
quite similar to
the two-parent
ideal. Such a design,
in theory, would
not only ensure
that children had
access to the time
and money of two
adults, it also
would provide a
system of checks
and balances that
promoted quality
The fact that both
parents have a
biological connection
to the child would
increase the likelihood
that the parents
would identify
with the child
and be willing
to sacrifice for
that child, and
it would reduce
likelihood that
either parent would
abuse the child.
of course,
sounds quite
to the perennial
wisdom of
the Christian
moral tradition,
by figures
as various
as John
Paul II,
and St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Hopeful Notes
The portrait I have painted is sobering. But I would like to
conclude on two hopeful notes. We are beginning to see a new openness among
intellectuals to the importance of marriage and to the perils of
divorce. For a long time, intellectuals were not willing to acknowledge
the importance of marriage for children.
But the intellectual tide is now turning towards a refreshing willingness
to grapple with our children’s toughest social problems
a probing and open-minded manner.
Akerlof and
scholars like
Linda Waite
at the University
of Chicago,
Robert Lerman
at the Urban Institute,
Isabel Sawhill at
the Brookings Institution,
and Norval Glenn at
the University of
Texas have all underlined
the importance of marriage in recent
years. Their willingness to speak
up on behalf of the unvarnished truth—the truth written on our hearts,
and the truth evident for all to see in our statistical models—suggests
there is a
new openness
among Evangelical
Protestant scholars
and leaders to the
truth and wisdom
of the ancient Christian
teaching against
contraception. Among
others, Albert Mohler,
president of the
Southern Baptist
Seminary, Reformed
Theological Seminary
professor Harold
O. J. Brown, and
Evangelical theologian
J. I. Packer have
raised serious concerns
about the moral
permissibility and
social consequences
of contraception.
For instance, in a recent symposium on contraception in First
Things, Mohler wrote:
Thirty years of sad experience demonstrate that Humanae Vitae
[correctly] sounded the alarm, warning of a contraceptive mentality that
would set loose immeasurable evil as modern birth control
methods allowed seemingly risk-free sex outside the integrity of the marital
bond. At the same time, it allowed married couples to completely sever
the sex act from procreation, and God’s
design for the marital bond. . . . Standing against the spirit of the age,
evangelicals and Roman Catholics must affirm that children are God’s
good gifts and blessings to the marital bond. Further, we must affirm that
marriage falls short of God’s
opening, itself a product
of Evangelical Protestants’ growing
of the ways in which the contraceptive mentality is connected to dramatic increases
in sexual promiscuity, divorce, and abortion, represents an important opportunity
for orthodox Protestants and Catholics to work together in recovering and rehabilitating
Christian moral teaching about sex and the family.
Christian scholars
need to seize
this moment, and underline
the intellectual power
and coherence of Christian moral
teaching to Christian colleges
and universities, congregations,
pastors, and the public square. Above all else,
we need to drive home the point that social
justice cannot be divorced from Christian moral
teaching. More than anyone else, the poor have
been devastated by the outworkings of the sexual
revolution of the last forty years.
We must make it crystal clear that the church’s commitment to the poor
requires nothing less than a vigorous proclamation of the church’s
text of
can be
1. Talk given at an Emory University family
in March 2003.
2. George Akerlof,
Janet L. Yellen, and
Michael L. Katz, “An Analysis
of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in the United States,” The Quarterly
Journal of Economics CXI (1996); George Akerlof, “Men Without Children,” The
See Linda
and Maggie
Gallagher, The Case
for Marriage (Broadway
Books), p. 179;
Margaret F. Brinig
and F. H. Buckley, “No-Fault Laws
and At-Fault People,” International Review of Law and Economics 18 (1998),
pp. 325–340.
University Press,
5. Cynthia C. Harper and Sara
S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth
Incarceration,” delivered
Wilcox is an assistant
professor of sociology
at the University
of Virginia and the author
of Soft Patriarchs, New
Men: How Christianity Shapes
Fathers and Husbands (University
of Chicago Press, 2004). “The Facts
of Life & Marriage” is
a paper
Copyright © 2005
“The Facts of Life & Marriage” by W. B. Wilcox appeared in
January/February 2005 issue of Touchstone: A magazine of mere Christianity (