Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

NFP: Breastfeeding Saves Lives and Spaces Babies

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Natural Family Planning includes breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is God’s plan for spacing babies.  It is the most natural NFP method and involves no abstinence.  But it does involve certain maternal behaviors associated with breastfeeding that are part of that plan and which offer the mother an extended period of infertility or amenorrhea.  That is why we  promote the Seven Standards of ecological breastfeeding.

Another wonderful benefit of breastfeeding is that breastfeeding is so healthy for the infant!  A new research report from an organization called Save The Children was released this year.  I will quote from this report the benefits of breastfeeding for just the first hour and for the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.  Breast milk is a super food and should be provided to every infant.  

In 2011, 6.9 million children under five died.  Today 2 out of 5 of those children who die are not even one month old!  Worldwide, 830,000 infants would be saved if mothers breastfed within the first hour of life.  Infants given breast milk within one hour of birth are 3 times more likely to survive than those infants given breastfed a day later!  The most powerful protection in the early days of life is colostrum.  Colostrum is “the most potent natural immune system booster know to science.”

Worldwide we would save 1.4 million babies if mothers would exclusively breastfeed and continue breastfeeding into the second year.  Breastfeeding “is the closest thing there is to a ‘silver bullet’ to save these children’s lives…  Infants who are not breastfed are 15 times more likely to die from pneumonia and 11 times more likely to die of diarrhoea than those who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life…A study in Brazil found that infants who were not breastfed at all had a 14 times greater risk of death than those who were exclusively breastfed.”

The problem today is that some of the breastfeeding rates are falling and the baby-food industry plans to grow by 31% by 2015 with most of that growth planned for Asia.

What about churches which are concerned about social justice and poverty?  What can you do if you give financial support to missionary activity here and in other countries?  Send them the “Superfood for Babies” report.  Ask them if they teach, promote and support breastfeeding or do they hand the new mothers formula?  You may make a difference!

If your NFP teacher asks you to wean entirely so you can get back to cycling, look for another NFP teacher that supports breastfeeding or contact NFP International.

Sheila Kippley
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

The Church, Natural Family Planning and the Election

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

In the aftermath of Humanae Vitae in 1968, the American bishops apparently decided not to exercise their teaching authority and thus have largely lost it among rank and file Catholics.  As the old saying goes, “Use it or lose it.”  Despite surveys showing the lack of acceptance of Catholic teaching on birth control by Catholics, our bishops have continued to do almost nothing.  Thus President Obama put them in the uncomfortable position of having to defend what they had been ignoring for the past 44 years.  In 1989, a group of bishops authored a booklet on marriage in which they urged that every engaged couple should be required to attend a full course on natural family planning.  Only six or seven dioceses have implemented that policy in the subsequent 23 years.  In my opinion, if the Church had even half its married couples believing and living out the teaching of Humanae Vitae, there would be a Catholic vote in favor of life and good sexual morality, and the results of Tuesday’s election would have been different.

John F. Kippley
NFP International

Natural Family Planning Memoirs

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive (memoirs by John F. Kippley)

The following is a recent book review at by a person previously unknown to the Kippleys.

This book is a lesson in forbearance and an excellent reminder about prudence. I have read and enjoyed the Kippleys’ work for over 20 years. John’s covenant theology of sexuality is beautifully expressed and easy to understand. His work drew me to become a member of the Couple to Couple League (CCL). I believe every member of that organization would be interested in reading this book.

CCL has moved away from certain key elements of the Kippleys’ system of natural family planning instruction, called the Triple Strand. The Triple Strand consists of the three concepts the Kippleys brought to the founding of CCL in 1971:
1. Ecological breastfeeding as a distinct form of natural baby spacing. It has now been further standardized as the Seven Standards of eco-breastfeeding.
2. The covenant theology, which is more completely stated as the renewal-of-the-marriage-covenant theology.
3. An open-to-choice version of The Sympto-Thermal Method of systematic NFP oriented to reducing abstinence as much as possible according to the evidence. All the common signs of fertility are taught, as well as rules that attempt to maximize the benefits and minimize the limitations of each of the signs.

I pray for the return of CCL to these core elements upon which the organization was founded. I can think of no legitimate reason to have removed/altered them. The excuse of “simplicity” is insufficient to justify these changes. The method was easy to learn and complete the way the Kippleys formulated it. The reformulation loses theological clarity as well as informed choice among the widest range of practical options.

These elements, especially Kippley’s covenant theology (simply & beautifully expressing the Truth of God’s plan for human sexuality) are precisely what drew me to & kept me with CCL.

It is heartening to read that the Kippleys have the fortitude to have founded Natural Family Planning International in order to continue their instructional material & methods.

I do not personally know the Kippleys, but I have come to know them through their published work and have deep respect and admiration for them. I will be eternally grateful for their message of Truth about marriage and for providing the practical means of living out that Truth.

Amazon reviewer for Battle-Scarred, October 12, 2012