Archive for the ‘National NFP Week’ Category

2. NFP Week – 45th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Based on his experience in the data-processing and office-system industry, John was hired by the Provincial Department of Health.  After three weeks, he was let go due to the influence of our pastor who wanted John out of town.

So what do you do when you’ve been fired without cause from your church job and had your state job dissolved?…. For some time, Fr. Mooney continued to deny he had anything to do with it, but eventually he admitted to the priests that he had been involved, and still later his attorney would tell a lawyer helping me that a parishioner in the Provincial Cabinet had blackballed me.

Maclean’s Reports
“It sounds admirably progressive when church leaders talk encouragingly about ‘participatory democracy’ at the parish level, as the Vatican II Encyclical did, for instance. Who, then, could have foreseen that a Roman Catholic lay worker who tried to put this concept into practice in Saskatchewan would not only lose one job with the parish and a second job with the government but would also become the target of an attempt to run him out of the province?…..”  (“Why do they want to drive John Kippley out of Saskatchewan?” by Linda Mitchell, page 1, full article, December 1968, Maclean’s, a national Canadian magazine)

In short, I think that God gave me the covenant insight when I was teaching the Faith in Santa Clara. I think He gave me the time to author a book around that basic concept to support the teaching of Humanae Vitae at a time when the encyclical needed support, even from theological nobodies. I know that God was watching over us in a special way during our stay in Regina. With the benefit of years of hindsight, I now like to think that my unemployment was providential. While I certainly did not feel that way at the time, I have thanked the Lord for it many times in later years.
(Excerpt from Battle-Scarred, page 41, 43-44, 57)  Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive by John F. Kippley is available at a 50% discount at during NFP Week.

NFP Week – 45th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Introduction:  The week of July 21-27, 2013 celebrates the 45th anniversary of Humanae Vitae issued by Pope Paul VI on July 25, 1968.  A recent letter to the editor in our local Cincinnati tabloid criticized the bishops for suppressing dissent.  My husband’s letter showing the error of that opinion was, of course, not published.  The reality is that the dissent movement suppressed those who taught orthodoxy.  What follows is our personal experience with that.  Subsequent blogs this week reflect our experiences, most of which are related to the effort to support Humanae Vitae intellectually and to provide practical help to live it.

In the academic year 1967-1968, my husband became known for teaching parish adult education courses that were thoroughly orthodox, including the received teaching against contraception. One morning about the start of my ninth month of a pregnancy, he was summarily fired, no reasons ever given, no defense possible.  A person who had been an insider on the decision a year previous to hire John gave us her opinion: The pastor had hoped that this lay theologian would be promoting the acceptance of contraception, something the pastor didn’t dare to do publicly because he had ambitions to be a bishop some day.  If that is correct, John became the first victim of the dissent movement—even before the encyclical was officially published.

John started a job search which was interesting in many ways and the following excerpt is his experience with a parish in the Greater Minneapolis area.  ( I will be blogging daily during NFP Week taking excerpts from his memoirs, Battle-Scarred.)

The Job Search
I left on June 15th for two meetings. On the 17th I met with the Executive Board and passed with flying colors. On the 18th I met with the whole Board with the same result…..However, I was asked to attend a weekend meeting in early July to meet the other new staff members and get a better feel for the parish. I flew back to Minneapolis on July 4 for an unforgettable experience.

At our first “T-group” session, one of the young men began to tell a sad story about himself and he actually started crying. This was totally strange to me…. Then we had an evaluation of that performance, and the young man with the sad story criticized me very directly for not coming to his aid. This was touchy-feely at its max, my first experience with sensitivity training. I never knew whether the young man was genuine or was playing a part in a prearranged act… We were not given the opportunity to attend one of the regular parish Sunday morning Masses, so I thought we would be having Mass in the afternoon. Not at all. As the pastor was summarizing the weekend on Sunday afternoon, I asked him when we were going to have Mass. “Oh,” he replied, “this whole weekend has been one big Eucharist.”
(Excerpt from Battle-Scarred, pages 21-22)  Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive by John F. Kippley is available at a 50% discount at during NFP week.
Everyone has the right to know about eco-breastfeeding:  Right to Know: Ecological Breastfeeding blog

7. The Right Kind of NFP Instruction: A Work of Evangelization

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Results.  This sort of NFP course and appropriate reinforcement from the pastor and the rest of the marriage preparation program can have significant results.  Specifically, I estimate that at least 25% of couples who receive this sort of preparation for marriage will start their marriages with marital chastity—either ready for children on their honeymoon or practicing chaste abstinence if they have a sufficiently serious reason to postpone pregnancy.  Further, the seeds that have been planted will continue to grow, and many of the contraceptors will experience for themselves the wasteland of secular sexuality, so I expect a gradual increase in the numbers of couples who repent and accept full Catholic teaching on love, marriage and sexuality.  With help from the pulpit and an overall parish environment that promotes authentic Catholic spirituality and sexuality, I think that by their tenth anniversaries at least two-thirds of couples who experienced the right kind of marriage preparation and NFP course will be fully practicing Catholics.  After all, about five years before Humanae Vitae in an environment in which we had neither the technical nor theological support available today, about two-thirds of Catholics accepted Catholic teaching, so it is not unreasonable to look for that level of acceptance once again.

What is difficult for me to comprehend is that in 2012 only six dioceses [in the United States] are making any kind of NFP course a required part of preparation for marriage.  Why does any priest or any bishop NOT want Catholic engaged and married couples to know everything I have described as the content of the right kind of NFP course?  The physiology is basic and easy to understand, and it can be taught modestly, even in mixed classes.  The discipleship aspects are crucial for the New Evangelization.  I would like to think that even those who think of themselves as “liberal” or “pro-choice” on birth control would want their people to know all of the above.

After all, how can people make an informed choice without this information?  To paraphrase Romans 10, how can people act rightly unless they believe?  And how can they believe unless they are taught?  And how can they believe and act rightly unless they have the right kind of instruction?  And in today’s context, how will they experience such instruction without being required to do so?

(John F. Kippley is the president of NFP International, the co-author of Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach, and the author of Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality and other books, articles and brochures.  He has long been involved in the ministries of NFP and evangelization.)

BOOK SALE:  30% off Kippley books in print at lulu through August 7.

John F. Kippley
Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive