Archive for the ‘Humanae Vitae’ Category

Natural Family Planning and Humanae Vitae

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016
John’s response to a petition in support of Humanae Vitae:
John F. Kippley
Natural Family Planning International, Inc.
MA Theology, MAT Applied theology, MA Industrial Relations
Honorary Dr. of Ethics from Franciscan University of Steubenville, 2008
Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality (Ignatius, 2005)
I also want to register my disappointment that the practical support to live the teachings of Humanae Vitae referenced only the fertility awareness based methods (FABM) and made no mention of Ecological Breastfeeding.  It was the abandonment of breastfeeding in general and especially of the frequent suckling pattern of the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding that led to the phenomenon of having two babies in 12 calendar months.  That in turn led to a sort of panic and resort to unnatural forms of birth control.  Every year new benefits of breastfeeding are published, but the Catholic Church is doing almost nothing to make ordinary Catholics, even those attending FABM classes, aware of these benefits.   That simply must change.
I also think that more attention should be paid the concept of the marriage act as a renewal of the marriage covenant.  It is my understanding that I am the first to introduce this concept in writing among Catholic writers (1967), and that gives it absolutely no theological legs, so to speak.  However, in his 1994 Letter to Families, St. John Paul II used this phrase, and that makes a difference.  It is terminology that he did not use in his magisterial Theology of the Body.
John F. Kippley

Natural Family Planning International: The one to support

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Do you know
that breastfeeding is the only variable that offers lifelong protection against breast cancer?

―that if every mother worldwide did predominant breastfeeding 823,000 lives of children under 5 would be saved each year?

―that the frequent nursing of “ecological breastfeeding” offers the best hope of a long-term milk supply?

Do you know

that NFP International teaches ecological breastfeeding as a form of natural family planning?

that ecological breastfeeding provides, on the average, 14 to 15 months of natural infertility?

And what is ecological breastfeeding?   Eco-breastfeeding is that form of nursing in which

1) the mother fulfills her baby’s needs for frequent suckling and her full-time presence and

2) in which the child’s frequent suckling postpones the return of the mother’s fertility.

Do you know that NFP International is the only American NFP organization that teaches all of the following?

  1. Ecological breastfeeding and the Seven Standards as a form of natural family planning.
  2. The covenant theology of human sexuality as an easy way to grasp the teaching of Humanae Vitae.
  3. Systematic NFP with different answers for different situations.
  4. The need for a sufficiently serious reason to use systematic NFP to postpone pregnancy.
  5. The immorality of using masturbation and sodomy during the fertile time as a form of “NFP.”

Do you know that NFP International needs your help to grow as a corporal and spiritual work of mercy?

We believe that developing a culture of life requires a widespread rejection of marital contraception and conversion to God’s plan for life, love and family.  That entails generosity in having children, acceptance of ecological breastfeeding, when possible, for spacing babies, and using chaste systematic NFP when more spacing is needed.

If you share this conviction, please help the NFPI apostolate.  Please make your check to NFPI and send to:
NFP International, P. O. Box 861; Steubenville OH 43952
Or donate online at the website.

Thank you for reading this.  Please pray for us and for the NFP International apostolate.  Please donate; your gift will make a difference.  NFPI is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization.  Gifts are tax-deductible.

–John and Sheila Kippley
PS. Please visit our website. We are working to make it the “go-to” site for 1) practical help with NFP including a downloadable manual for a small donation and free charts, 2) theological support for Humanae Vitae and 3) breastfeeding research.

Reaction to Pope’s Comments on Birth Control

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

First of all, I think that almost everyone agrees that abortion is a worse evil than contraception.  I am pleased to see that Pope Francis labeled abortion as an absolute evil.

Second, I don’t think Pope Francis has stated the “Pill and the Congo” case properly.  To the best of my knowledge, Pope Paul VI was not involved in that situation.  I have been told that some ill-informed doctors told the nuns that they could take the Pill to avoid pregnancy stemming from rape.  I say “ill informed” because the Europeans at that time seemed to be quite ignorant about the abortifacient properties of the Pill.  They thought it was only a contraceptive drug.

Third, there is a huge difference between using a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy from rape and using a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy from voluntary intercourse.

Fourth, The Rev. James Bretzke of Boston College is the kind of moral theologian who confuses rather than clarifies.  Humanae Vitae n. 15 allows certain medical procedures that have legitimate therapeutic value  even though they would render the person sterile.  For example, the removal of cancerous ovaries.  In these cases, the intention had to be therapeutic, not contraceptive.  That does not apply to actions whose primary function is to prevent conception, something that could be accomplished by simply (though not easily) not engaging in sexual union.

Fifth, there is not a moral problem of contraception when sodomites use condoms to slow down the transmission of AIDS.  The act is already essentially sterile.   However, the situation is different with heterosexuals.  There the primary action is contraceptive and thus immoral.  However, in both situations, when an infected person has condomized sex with a non-infected person, it’s simply a matter of time until the infection is passed.  Abstinence is the only sure way to protect the health of the non-infected person.  Thus the moral problem is that of a sin against health and life.

Lastly, to speak the divine truth about human love and to point out its counterfeits is not to be obsessed with these issues but simply to bear witness in an evil age.

Please keep praying for Pope Francis, especially that he will give the Church and the world a post-Synod document that will clearly convey the teaching of the Lord and his Church regarding love, marriage and sexuality.

Sixth.  In the light of other comments floating around, I think it can be said that Pope Francis could have and should have used these questions to evangelize the reporters.  He certainly should have pointed out that Humanae Vitae teaches that married couples can use periodic abstinence from the marriage act to avoid pregnancy.  That involves using natural family planning.  He should know and be able to teach that couples can use cross-checking systems of NFP at the 99% level of effectiveness.

Seventh, a good biblical number, he missed an excellent opportunity to remind himself and his audience the most difficult job of the Pope is to affirm the difficult truths, especially those that affect huge numbers of people.  He needs to remind himself and all of us that the entire world stands in the shadow of the cross on which our Savior died.  He needs to teach what Jesus taught—the price of discipleship is to take up one’s cross daily.  Certainly that applies to difficulties associated with love, marriage and sexuality.

John F. Kippley