Archive for the ‘Spirituality’ Category

My Opposition to the Death Penalty in Contemporary America

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

I was recently offered a polite challenge to my opposition to the death penalty, and on the spot I did not spell it out well.  My current thinking is based on three considerations

Social.  In a former age, the criminal guilty of a capital crime was, in my opinion, more guilty of his outrageous behavior.  Within my lifetime, however, the educational, judicial, and political systems have become more complicit in these crimes.  The legal system has expelled religion and religious morality from the public school system in which the vast majority of American youth are educated.  To paraphrase Romans 10:14ff, how can we expect people to believe and to do what is right if we do not instruct them?  Public education has not only become complicit but teaches an intellectual and moral vacuum in which there is no objective truth, everything is subjective and there are no moral absolutes.  Yes, the natural law is still written in the heart of every person, but the dominant cultural forces are combined to treat the silent entreaties in the heart as old fashioned taboos.  The judicial system still permits the killing of the most innocent citizens at will; in fact such permission to kill the innocent is a foundation of the current Democratic Party.    This combination has given us a culture that is toxic to basic morality.  As Dostoyevsky had one of characters say, “If there is no God, you can do anything.”  Thus society at large has to bear the burden of the humane imprisonment of those who commit capital crimes.

Repentance.  I publish a rosary booklet (The Seven Day Bible Rosary) and offer it free to prisoners.  I have distributed hundreds of these and have received only one letter saying “I didn’t do it,” and that was from a man on death row.  Another death row prisoner made no such comment.  Others have told me specifically that being sent to prison was the best thing that has ever happened to them.  Without being specific, they admit that they had been living sinful lives.  Now they are reading a Catholic newspaper in which I advertise and asking for something to help them pray the rosary.  Some of these have had their first encounter with the Catholic faith in prison; others were raised in Catholic families but ignored what they were taught.  Some have told me that it has taken years for them to get to this stage of repentance.  Life imprisonment gives some prisoners the time they need to repent and grow in holiness.

Spiritual warfare.  There is a spiritual warfare going on between the Lord Jesus and Satan for every person.  Jesus gave his life for my sins, the sins of everyone who reads this, and also for the sins of every other sinner, some of whose sins are not only very serious but also public knowledge.  I do not want Satan to win any of these battles— which he might do if some criminals are put to death before they repent.

The bottom line:  Please join many prisoners who are praying the rosary every day as Our Lady of Fatima has asked us to do—for world peace, for the conversion of Russia, and for the conversion of sinners all throughout the world.  I can hear it already, “Those folks have nothing but time on their hands but I am too busy.”  It is a rare day when a person who wants to honor Mary’s request cannot find the time to do so.   The daily commute provides many with plenty of rosary time.  And the list of opportunities goes on.

John F. Kippley,

Confession As An Adult

Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Does a habit during childhood continue during our later years?  Does going to confession often during the grade-school years make it easier to go to confession during our later years?

I know that at a few rare parishes there is often a long line for confession.  As one guest of ours said, the line at one church he goes to for confession wraps all around the entire church!  But most parishes have only a few persons waiting in line during the time for confessions.  One priest friend told us recently his concern:  many Catholics wait in long lines to receive Communion but they are rarely if ever in line for confession.

This got me thinking.  I don’t know what Catholic schools are doing to promote confession.  I do know that I did ask about the policy where our children once went to school.  I was told that all the children were taught to go face to face with the priest.  They were not taught the option of using the screen.  That upset me as I prefer the screen.  We had a convert friend who always went face-to-face and later discovered the screen.  He preferred the screen.

I started thinking about my school days.  The Thursday before First Friday we all went to confession.  On First Friday we all attended Mass.  Afterwards, we celebrated with a donut and milk or orange juice.  We didn’t have donuts at home so that was a real treat.  At the end of the school year, every student who went to Mass and Communion for the nine First Fridays received a certificate.

When I started our Catholic homeschool organization I instituted the same policy.  Those who make their nine First Fridays received a certificate at the end-of-the-year ceremony.

Can grade-school children develop a habit of going to confession?  I know that it’s been easy for me to go to confession as needed during grade school, high school, college and today.  And I often wonder if that was due to my upbringing at my Catholic grade school.  Would more teenagers, young adults and older folks go more often to confession if they had the habit of going every month during their grade-school years?  I wonder….  Any comments?

Sheila Kippley

The Influence of One Priest

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Below is our priest friend’s homily for Christ the King feast day on November 23rd, 2014.

In 1925, Pope Pius XI established this last Sunday of the liturgical year as the Solemnity of Christ the King.

And he did it to remind the world, particularly Europe, that Christ is the one to whom we owe our first allegiance — not a political party, not ideologies, not political leaders, particularly he meant people like Lenin, Stalin and things like communism and national socialism.

He did it to help save the world, if he could, from class envy, class warfare and warfare between nations that was being fomented by reckless ideologies and evil leaders of evil political movements.

He tried to recall people, to remind people that the claim of Christ — on our souls, on our consciences and on our obedience — comes first — before any allegiance to political structures or persons.

Our relationship to God takes precedence over every relationship.  The reason for this Solemnity then, is just as valid now.  God must be first in our hearts.  God’s commandments of love must reign in our hearts.  And then, God’s law and the natural law must reign over and throughout civil society if that civil society is to experience real peace, justice and good order.

But, we can see that God’s ways have been rejected; adultery, abandonment, rampant divorce, the destruction of the family, fatherless families, legalized abortion, state sponsored contraception, decades of disrespect in this country for proper parental authority, drug abuse, homosexual behavior, premarital sex, — living together.

These things cause great instability and chaos.  This chaos in our society is promoted by and used by socialists and progressives and anarchists and nihilists to gain power and control over people.  This is what big government is about.  Big government has nothing to do with real peace and real justice or freedom.

Today is Christ the King.  Let’s be firm in our resolve to live God’s commandments of love and true justice and that God may reign in our hearts.  Obedience to God’s way and His Church is what everyone really needs.  Now let’s be strengthened in our resolve as the Lord feeds and nourishes us with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Next Week: Some Thoughts on Confession
Sheila Kippley