Archive for the ‘Spirituality’ Category

Breastfeeding: Nursing Mothers’ Reflections on the Beatitudes

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Lord, I am sure there are many other mothers who are quite sad and cry out to you in their sorrow. My heartache is so deep, so painful, that I can hardly pray through my tears. I keep recalling that beautiful day when I lost both my husband and son while visiting California at Christmas time. It was such a nice day that my son went swimming in the ocean. He got caught in a riptide and my husband went in to rescue him. Tragically both died. It all happened so fast and I could do nothing. I was completely helpless as I watched.

Being pregnant at the time, I was left with my other son and an unborn baby. Since her birth, my baby has been my solace. My sorrow has been so intense, but this baby has been my comfort as I nurse and cuddle her, especially during the night. This baby gives me strength and helps me to be a better parent to my son. I still grieve, Lord. Please give me the graces to be the mother you want me to be. Please help me. Help me to make the right decisions for my children, and please always give me one or two friends or relatives whom I can call on for support. I especially need a friend or two for my journey through this first year without my husband and son. My sister calls frequently and is very supportive.

The pediatrician says our little girl is thriving on my milk. Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful, healthy baby girl. You are so good! (anonymous mother)
(Sheila Kippley, 2005)

(A 30% discount is now offered on all Kippley print books at lulu through August 7 in recognition of NFP week and World Breastfeeding Week.  In addition, Sophia is offering a 25% discount on Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood through August 7.  The code for this discount is “motherhood.” Ignatius Press is offering Sex and the Marriage Covenant for only $6.00 through August 31.))

Breastfeeding: Nursing Mothers’ Reflections on the Beatitudes

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs Is the kingdom of heaven.

Lord, you could have been born anywhere—in a beautiful place, in a wealthy family, but you chose a stable. You chose poverty. Yet you had everything! A loving mother and father, warmth, and plenty of milk for your sustenance. I have no choice. My life is simple because of my situation. My husband’s job brings in enough money to meet our needs and still allows me to stay home with my baby.

Our baby is a true gift from you, Lord. I enjoy nursing him so much. How Our Lady must have enjoyed holding you so close as you suckled from each breast.

I do try to look for chances where I can choose a less expensive item whenever possible. I have a friend who does this better than I. When she has a new baby and people want to give her gifts, she asks for only secondhand clothes or other items. I have tried to follow her example by not purchasing brand new items or clothing when secondhand purchases are just as good and cost less. This has saved us money, especially in the area of bedding and furniture. I remember a priest at a seminar who wore a black cardigan that had holes in it, but the holes did not show up because of his black priestly outfit. Needless to say, Lord, that priest made an impression on me.

I’ve given our baby the best start in life by breastfeeding him. This also has saved us money. Besides the breastfeeding, I pray that I continue to feed my baby well with good foods as he ages and my husband and future family as well. Homemade meals with soups and breads are more nutritious than store meals and also help a family to save money. Please give me the energy and time to do this without feeling guilty if I have to resort to the quick store meal occasionally.

I pray that my husband and I can continue to share with others through tithing and by the use of our talents. When a relative or neighbor is in need, please give me the graces to help without grumbling and with a good and willing heart.

Our baby continues to grow big and strong. Breastfeeding is so good for him. Our pediatrician is supportive of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Thank you, Lord, for that wonderful physician. My husband and I are thin and tall, so our robust baby looks out of character for our family. We thank you, Lord, for your plan for mother and baby. Choosing to breastfeed has simplified my life. His food is always available without any work on my part. I have yet to buy any formula or bottles. Again, thank you, Lord, for all you’ve done for me and my family. (anonymous mother)
(Sheila Kippley, 2005)

(A 30% discount is now offered on all Kippley print books at lulu through August 7 in recognition of NFP week and World Breastfeeding Week.  In addition, Sophia is offering a 25% discount on Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood through August 7.  The code for this discount is “motherhood.” Ignatius Press is offering Sex and the Marriage Covenant for only $6.00 through August 31.))

Breastfeeding: Nursing Mothers’ Reflections on the Beatitudes

Friday, August 1st, 2014


One of the joys of my 40-some years of counseling and sharing breastfeeding experiences has been getting to know, at least slightly, the mothers who phoned or wrote or who became personal friends. They were a regular source of inspiration for me. It was an honor to be part of their lives for a while.  I decided some time ago to write their stories using the beatitudes.

The backgrounds and the experiences of these mothers varied widely, but they had in common a desire to do God’s will and to do what is best for their children. Collectively they have been like facets on a jewel. The Beatitudes are also like facets of the jewel of Christian faith. Each helps us to see a particular aspect of discipleship.

Each of these thoughts on the Beatitudes reflects in one way or another the experience of mothers I have been privileged to know. Each reflection represents the experiences or thoughts of a different nursing mother. I found their attitudes refreshing, and I hope that some small part of their jewel-like sparkle manages to get through the words that follow.

(A 30% discount is now offered on all Kippley print books at lulu through August 7 in recognition of NFP week and World Breastfeeding Week.  In addition, Sophia is offering a 25% discount on Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood through August 7.  The code for this discount is “motherhood.” Ignatius Press is offering Sex and the Marriage Covenant for only $6.00 through August 31.))

To be continued daily during World Breastfeeding Week.
Sheila Kippley
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood