Archive for the ‘WBW 2009’ Category

Breastfeeding saves lives.

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

Those interested in health should not ignore breastfeeding.  Medical professionals and missionary persons should promote, support and encourage breastfeeding for the health of the mother and her baby.  For example, here are some statistics that occurred frequently on the web during World Breastfeeding Week.


About 9 to 10 million children under the age of 5 die each year.  Most of these deaths are preventable.  Thirteen percent of these deaths could be avoided if mothers exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding at least until the child turned two years of age.  According to Lancet, breastfeeding is “the single largest impact on child survival of all preventive interventions!” 


Why is so little said about breastfeeding when it is so important to many babies’ health and survival?  Breastfeeding alone could save 1.3 million lives every year.


In emergencies, breastfed children do much better.  During the first 3 months of armed conflict in Guinea-Bissau (1998), the mortality rate of non-breastfed children was 6 times higher compared to that of breastfed children in the 9-20 month old age group.  During the earthquake in Indonesia (2006), formula was brought in for breastfeeding babies.  Babies receiving formula doubled their occurrence of diarrhea to 25% while the breastfed babies had a 12% rate of diarrhea.  In Botswana (2005/6) formula was brought in and the water was contaminated.  Non-breastfed babies were 50 times more likely to need hospital treatment and were even dying compared to breastfed babies.  In emergencies, breastfed babies are healthier.


In normal times or in an emergency, the best gift a mother can give her baby is to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and to continue nursing for at least one year…but nursing for two years is even better.  Many professionals are now encouraging mothers to nurse for at least two years.  Even Pope John Paul II encouraged mothers to nurse “up to the second year of life or beyond.”


Sheila Kippley

Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood

7. Ecological breastfeeding does space babies.

Friday, August 7th, 2009

“I am currently nursing my 17 month old without a return of my periods.”


“My son nurses on and off during the nights.  He is 22 months old and I have not had a period yet.”


“I thank you for the positive effect you’ve had on my mothering skills.  I nursed my first baby for 4 months and quit because of the inconvenience.  I nursed my second baby for 22 months because it was so very convenient.”


“Breastfeeding has a very definite effect on child spacing.  With my bottlefed children I conceived again at 8 months after childbirth despite other contraceptives.  It has been 15 months since the last baby was born.  No period yet.”


“We have a 21-month old boy, and I am still ecologically nursing him.  We have been trying to get pregnant since January.  I am so glad that I am still nursing my son, because I know that it is so beneficial for him.  But I have to admit I am starting to worry that our babies will be so far apart that I won’t have very many!  My husband and I would like a large family, but I probably just need to work on my patience?  At first, I thought about weaning my son so that we could more easily get pregnant, but my husband didn’t think that was a good reason to wean.  I think I agree with him now, because I see how good nursing is for my 21-month-old.”


“My religion, Islam, encourages breastfeeding for two years and, according to some Muslim scholars, allows birth control to be practiced within that two-year period.  I feel that so many people ignore breastfeeding as a form of natural child spacing.  The techniques you describe are entirely compatible with my religion.”


“As a Protestant, eco-breastfeeding had never been presented to my husband and me as a logical way to have a family.  Many of my acquaintances are put right on the IUD after their first baby, and I think it’s a shame when God intended His way of spacing little ones.”


“[As a Jewish mother] I practice ecological breastfeeding (I nurse my babies based on Sheila Kippley’s book) and therefore have gotten a 26 month space between my 2 girls. My husband and I don’t want to have to decide when to have or not have a baby. We are only smart enough to know that we aren’t smart enough to know when is really the “best time” and we would rather if Hashem took care of that decision.  But what I do think is important for women to know is that you do not have to have your babies a year (or in some cases 11 months) apart in order to be a good Jewish woman. If you practice ecological breastfeeding which in a nutshell includes unrestricted nursing (no feeding schedules!), and no bottles or pacifiers you can get that breather between babies naturally—as it was meant to be—from Hashem!”


            Interested in God’s plan for spacing babies?  Read the book on this topic, The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor. 


Sheila Kippley

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

6. Ecological breastfeeding does space babies.

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

            Professionals and clergy can change.  Dr. Otto Schaefer, a German doctor, went to the Inuits in Canada, teaching the merits of formula.  He wrote down everything he observed and soon realized he was dead wrong about formula.  The observed facts led him to conclude that “breastfeeding had a greater influence on the life and health of infants than any other single factor” and that “the traditional Inuit custom of breastfeeding up until the age of three years…provided an effective type of birth control.” 

            Breastfeeding is God’s plan for baby care and baby spacing.  Today the Catholic Church speaks out against contraception in Humanae Vitae, and many in the Church promote natural family planning by charting the woman’s fertility and promoting the theology of the body.  John and I have promoted and taught ecological breastfeeding to space babies since 1969.  The research is there.  Ecological breastfeeding has so many health and emotional benefits for the mother and baby, including natural child spacing, that it should no longer be ignored by other NFP organizations, the clergy or church representatives.

            Learn God’s plan for natural child spacing by reading The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor.  Learn how the “theology of the body” is related to breastfeeding by reading Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood.


Sheila Kippley

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor