Archive for the ‘Morality’ Category

Biblical Passages on Marital Chastity

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

I am wondering if you could share your list of biblical proofs for marital sexual chastity.  Thank you. (email, Feb. 8, 2011)

John: Regarding chastity and sexual sins, I have a whole chapter (#17) on this in my book, Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality.  Mark 7:21 mentions a list of sins that come from the heart.  In some translations, the word “unchastity” is the second in the list; adultery and licentiousness are also mentioned.

The last part of 1 Cor 6 also speaks strongly about chastity.  The Council of Jerusalem in Acts spoke against unchastity.  I have never gone through the whole New Testament making a list of chastity related passages. Chastity is simply part of Christian discipleship.

In his service,
John Kippley
Sex and the Marriage Covenant

NFP Speaker Available

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Speaker available to Promote the Truth and Demands of Love plus Practical Help

My husband has written considerably about the teaching reaffirmed by Humanae Vitae, and we have done what we can to provide the practical help to live out its teachings.  Our interest is not birth control as such but the truth.  Here is how John replied to a recent correspondent:

“I have no passion for systematic NFP, but I do have a passion for the teaching of the Church and for the truth, including the truth about the various ways of doing systematic NFP.  My passion is simply for telling the truth about the demands of love and for providing as much practical help as we can to live out those truths.  And, of course, I have a passion for ecological breastfeeding because it’s God’s plan for feeding and nurturing babies.”

If you know a seminary or parish that would like to have John talk on these subjects, or if you know a parish that has a group of couples interested in learning natural family planning, please contact NFPI.

Sheila Kippley

Sex and the Marriage Covenant Convinced Her the Church Was Right!

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Thank you for all the things you’ve written about NFP! I started looking into NFP  just over 3 years ago because I was unhappy using the Pill – it just didn’t feel right.  I come from a Protestant background and I hadn’t really questioned the morality of using artificial birth control before I came across your website.  At first I was really skeptical about NFP, because I had heard that it was just a good way to become pregnant accidentally, but once I started reading more it seemed more and more like the best, most loving, and Godly option out there.  I started talking to my husband about it, and after we had done some reading together we decided to take a course through Serena Canada.  We’ve now been gratefully practicing NFP ever since. In fact, reading your book about Sex and the Marriage Covenant thoroughly convinced me of the Catholic Church’s teachings on this subject, and I began to wonder that if the Catholic Church had it right on this subject, there might be more things that I could learn. I started attending an RCIA at the church near me, and I have since joined the Church.

Thank you!
Jenna (email, 9/21/11)