Archive for the ‘WBW 2010’ Category

Fourth Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Fourth Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Sleep with Your Baby for Night Feedings

Nighttime nursings are important for maintaining a steady milk supply and for natural child spacing, and co-sleeping greatly assists both effects. 

Research has shown that nursing during the night is a most important practice in delaying a return of menstruation.  Bedsharing has many benefits other than the benefit of amenorrhea.  Twenty (20) other benefits are listed in The Seven Standards.

“Our little girl wakes at night to be nursed and sometimes nurses often at night.  We have a king-size bed so it really doesn’t bother our sleep.  We have relied entirely on nursing for postponing pregnancy.  It is the most enjoyable method of spacing babies.  I just regret all the years that were completely safe or could have been and we didn’t know it.”

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood

Third Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Third Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Don’t Use Bottles and Pacifiers

This Standard seems redundant, but it is important in an age where mothers pump and place their milk into bottles and when a few mothers exclusively breastfeed but never put the baby to their breast. 

In the age of pumps and bottles, the early return of fertility for mothers is common.  We must remember that it is the mother who is the most important person to her baby.  Breastfeeding by the mother is the natural way and the preferred way by the baby over breast-milking. 

“Our baby would not take a pacifier or any bottle.  She would only nurse.  Therefore, she went everywhere with us.  This was fine with my husband and me, and our baby was happy and content.”

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood

Second Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Second Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Pacify Your Baby at Your Breasts

Pacification at the breast is important for breastfeeding infertility. 

Regular use of pacifiers has been shown by research to interfere with natural infertility.  The mother interested in natural infertility will use her breasts to comfort her baby and to satisfy his need for non-nutritive suckling.  This closeness is very special to both mother and baby.

“I love your coverage of real, natural mothering.  People tell me I hold my baby too much, feed her too often, should give her a pacifier, and should not sleep with her.  I ignore it all.  How can my family possibly be happier.”

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood