Archive for the ‘Ecological Breastfeeding’ Category

Natural Family Planning: What Pope, Cardinal and Bishop are saying about Ecological Breastfeeding

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

St. John Paul II:  “Greater consideration should be given to the social role of mothers, and support should be given to programs which aim at decreasing maternal mortality, providing prenatal and perinatal care, meeting the nutritional needs of pregnant women and nursing mothers, and helping mothers themselves to provide preventive health care for their infants. In this regard attention should be given to the positive benefits of breastfeeding for nourishment and disease prevention in infants as well as for maternal bonding and birth spacing.” [Address to Dr. Nafis Sadik, Secretary General of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, March 18, 1994, n. 8. Emphasis added.]

Alfonso Cardinal López Trujillo, then President of the Pontifical Council for the Family:
“For many years the value of breastfeeding has been recognized especially in terms of the close bond it establishes between a mother and her child and the health benefits of a natural form of nourishing infants. It is therefore heartening to see a revived interest in this natural form of nurturing. However, there is another dimension of breastfeeding that is not as widely known, that is, choosing breastfeeding as a natural means for spacing births.
Used in this way, breastfeeding has been found to be of particular value, not only in various traditional cultures, where such an approach has been known for centuries, but in the wider world. As one of the natural ways for regulating fertility, breastfeeding thus takes its place among various methods that constitute the ‘authentic alternative’ to contraception, and so it remains a subject for research and study.” (Foreword, Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: The Ecology of Natural Mothering, Classic Edition, 2008. Emphasis added.)

Most Rev. Victor Galeone, former Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida: “You mentioned that Macabbees is the only place in the Bible that mentions the length of three years for breastfeeding in Biblical Times.  Back in the mid 60s when the Pill was being discussed on the news, my mother (an immigrant from Italy who never went beyond the 3rd grade) commented to me: ‘A pity the mothers today don’t know what my mother taught me.  I breastfed all my children for two years.  And that’s why there’s at least three years between each of you.’  To which I replied, ‘Mom , we had teeth already by that time.’  To which she replied, ‘I know, but I could teach each one of you not to bite.’
My five years in the Peruvian Andes taught me basically the same thing.  Their children were spaced by three to four years, and they were ever so well behaved in Church as toddlers.  No crying or screaming.” ( personal correspondence, June 4, 2004, quoted with permission)

More coming on experiences with eco-breastfeeding in the Church.
Sheila Kippley

Natural Family Planning: Eco-Breastfeeding, the Early Years and Crime

Sunday, October 6th, 2019

Advice regarding a Child’s Healthy Foundation
My advice to mothers is this:  Listen to your hearts.  Love your babies; hold your babies; read to your babies; sing to your babies; be there for them.

Ignore the advice of society’s control freaks.  Nurse your baby frequently.  Nurse your baby to sleep.  Nurse your baby all through the night in your bed with all the proper precautions and recommendations set by the experts.  Take your baby with you to meetings or shopping and to church.  Take the baby with you to weddings.

Be one with your baby.  Stay attached.  Remember that breastfeeding is a continuation of pregnancy.  There are many similarities between breastfeeding and pregnancy, but the most important one is the oneness a mother has with her baby.  Society needs to protect this oneness.  Our churches need to promote and protect this oneness.  Our husbands need to appreciate its value.

It is encouraging to see a psychiatrist like Dr. Elliott Barker teaching the importance of breastfeeding to society at large as well as to the individual mother with her baby.  May we renew our efforts to do what we can to promote breastfeeding and to help nursing moms and their families.  Let’s give our children that healthy foundation!
(This series has ended.  Adapted from a luncheon talk given at the LLL Eastern Pennsylvania Area Conference, October 2000)
Sheila Kippley

Natural Family Planning: Eco-Breastfeeding, the Early Years and Crime

Sunday, September 29th, 2019

The Research
The importance of the early years was the topic of an entire issue of Newsweek, the Spring-Summer issue in 1997.  This special edition stressed the critical first three years of life and that breastfeeding and the physical reassurances such as cuddling and rocking stimulate brain growth and show a baby that he is loved and valued.

Research shows that when a baby is stressed or lacks maternal care his brain is coated with a large dose of cortisol.  Cortisol can shrink the learning center of the brain, and cortisol can cause the dendrites to atrophy.  This helps to explain why cortisol is associated with severely delayed development.  This is why we have seen on television orphaned babies rocking in their cribs or teens moving constantly in what is called the “dance of neglect.”

That’s the bad news.  The good news is that the mother protects her baby against these harmful effects just by her presence.  With breastfeeding, mothers are present and a breastfeeding mother soon learns that her baby thrives on maternal intimacy, that her baby loves to be with her.

One of my favorite books is The War Against the Family by William Gairdner because he states how we can have healthy individuals in our society.  In his opinion, the kind of care needed for healthy individuals depends on the mother providing a care that is uninterrupted, intimate, and continuous for her child during the early months and early years.  This kind of care is almost always provided to each child if his mother breastfeeds him as nature intended.

Next week:  Advice regarding a child’s healthy foundation
Sheila Kippley