Archive for the ‘Breastfeeding Research 2016’ Category

Natural Family Planning and Breastfeeding

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

In the last 6 blogs, I reviewed 37 published research papers on the benefits of breastfeeding for the year 2016 alone.  That’s 3 a month.

The evidence is overwhelming on the benefits gained when a mother breastfeeds her baby, especially if she exclusively breastfeeds for the first 6 months and continues until the baby is at least 1 or 2 years old.

We can ask those who have read the last six blogs:

Will babies’ lives be saved due to breastfeeding?  The answer is YES.

Will mothers’ lives be improved due to her breastfeeding?  The answer is YES.

Is formula just as good?  The answer is clearly NO.

Does formula cause some deaths for the baby? The answer is YES.

Where is this message promoted by our government?

Where is this message promoted by our Church?

Research also shows that the right kind of breastfeeding spaces babies.  This has been demonstrated by published research papers, even during the 1930s to 1970 when I began my research on breastfeeding and natural child spacing.

John and I have been publishing books and articles on this topic of birth spacing since 1969.  The message needs to be promoted as an option to all  couples engaged or recently married.  Justice demands that this choice be taught in our churches and in our mission work.  It also needs to be promoted by our government which promotes unnatural birth control and abortifacients because mothers need some spacing between births!  God through Nature provides this spacing with no abstinence and only good side effects.  So why do many NFP and other health-promoting organizations ignore this life-enhancing option?

Yes.  God does space babies through breastfeeding alone.   To learn more, please read the book below.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

A Review of Breastfeeding Research Published September—December 2016

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

Maternal and pediatric diseases were studied.  To the researchers’ surprise, in terms of medical costs and lives saved, there were more benefits for the mother than the baby.  They defined optimal breastfeeding as breastfeeding for at least one year.  Then they extrapolated their findings in terms of benefits that would result from more mothers doing optimal breastfeeding.  If current breast feeding rates rose from about 30 percent of mothers up to 90 percent, 5,023 cases of breast cancer would be averted each year.  For every 397 mothers who would breastfeed for one year, one case of breast cancer would be averted. For hypertension, assuming the same scenario, optimal breastfeeding would avert 35,392 cases and 322 deaths; only 55 women would have to breastfeed to avert a case of hypertension. For heart attacks, 235 women would have to breastfeed optimally to prevent a heart attack; 162 would need to breastfeed each child for one year to prevent a case of diabetes.  (Maternal & Child Health, September 19, 2016)

In this Thailand study, 556 children had their feedings studied for the first three years, especially with regard to the duration of breastfeeding.  Their teeth were examined for caries or fillings at 3-4 years of age. “There was no association between duration of any breastfeeding and dental caries. In conclusion, full breastfeeding for 6-11 months may protect against dental caries in primary teeth. Prolonged breastfeeding was not associated with dental caries in this population.” (Caries Research, September 9, 2016)

Breastfeeding protects babies from developing asthma. Asthma is the third leading cause of hospital stays and a leading cause of missed school days for U.S. children.  Breastfeeding reduced respiratory symptoms by 27%.  Breastfeeding is recommended for at least six months so that the baby can fully gain the benefits that will protect him from developing asthma. (European Respiratory Society’s International Congress, London, September 3-7, 2016)

Compared to white infants, lack of optimal breastfeeding led to more than twice the number of deaths among African-American infants and both black and Hispanic children have higher risks of ear infections, intestinal diseases and SIDS.  Optimal breastfeeding is defined here as 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding with continued breastfeeding for one year. At least one year of breastfeeding is essential to protect black and Hispanic children from a slew of health risks.  (Journal of Pediatrics, epub November 10, 2016)

Ten studies found that when mothers breastfed their under-one-year infants during painful procedures, such as vaccination injections, the breastfeeding reduced the pain.  (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, epub October 28, 2016)

A new international study suggest that breastfeeding protects babies born of obese mothers.  The team found that babies born to obese mothers and who were exclusively breastfed had a lower weight at six months of age when compared to those fed with infant formula milk. (49th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), May 25-28, 2016, Athens, Greece.  Epub by University of Granada, October 26, 2016)

In this study 6000 slum mothers of Patna were encouraged to breastfeed by giving each mother four flip books showing the importance of the Third Trimester, Early Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth, Exclusive Breastfeeding for six months and Complementary Breastfeeding.  Of these mothers, 25% had their babies at home.  The government and researchers knew that breastfeeding could prevent 13% of children’s deaths under the age of five.  Exclusive breastfeeding as a result of this project jumped from 14% to 56% and initiation of breastfeeding during the first hour of life improved from 42% to 60%.  Only mild to moderate malnourishment was found in 15% children, and after the project no case of severe malnourishment was found among the babies. (Times of India, December 12, 2016)

Sheila Kippley


A Review of Breastfeeding Research published August 2016

Sunday, March 5th, 2017

Leukemia and lymphoma comprise 40% of all cancers in children. Ever breastfeeding category was associated with a 64% decreased risk for childhood leukemia/lymphoma.  “Ever” breastfeeding means breastfeeding of any kind, whether it be partial or exclusive.  (Nutrition and Cancer, August-September 2016)

Breastfeeding can protect newborns, especially the ones born prematurely, from infections.  Researchers found that a manufactured form of lactoferrin, a naturally occurring protein in breast milk, can help protect premature infants from a type of staph infection. Lactoferrin virtually eliminated the germ that causes a staph infection known as staphylococcus epidermidis. (Journal of Pediatrics, August 2016)

This study found that lactation is associated with lower postpartum blood pressure among overweight women who develop gestational hypertension but not among women who develop preeclampsia. (American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, August 2016)

Breastfed babies are less likely to develop meningitis. A type of sugar found naturally in some women’s breast milk may protect newborn babies from infection with a potentially life threatening bacterium called Group B streptococcus. These bacteria are a common cause of meningitis in newborns and the leading cause of infection in the first three months of life globally.  The presence of sugars found in human breast milk allows the “friendly” bacteria to flourish and out-compete any harmful bacteria that may be in the child’s gut. (Clinical & Translational Immunology, August 26, 2016)

Among extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants, not being fed predominantly human milk is associated with an increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Efforts to support milk production by mothers of ELBW infants may prevent infant deaths and reduce costs.  (Journal of Pediatrics, August 2016)

Among women diagnosed and treated for primary breast cancer, those who gave birth and breastfed for longer than 6 months had better breast cancer survival compared to women who didn’t give birth or breastfed for shorter periods of time. (Breastfeeding Medicine, August 2016)

Sheila  Kippley