Archive for 2008

Breastfeeding books: Great Bulk Discount

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

W.D. Virtue: “Dear Sheila, Thank you for your book, The Seven Standards.  It is a very clear and consise book, easy for a busy mom to read and use.  Send whatever amount of books you can with the amount enclosed. God bless you.”

Great Bulk Discount
The publisher of my two breastfeeding books has made a tremendous offer for anyone who might be interested in promoting eco-breastfeeding.
   The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor retails for $11.99 and Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, the 1974 Harper & Row edition, retails for $14.95.  With an order for 250 books of one title, they can be bought at a greatly reduced price. 

Here are the discounts:
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding – $3.95 per unit (for 250 units)
Breastfeeding and Nat. Child Spacing, 1974 edition – $5.15 per unit (for 250 units)

Quotes are good for 30 days (from August 18, 2008) and do not include shipping or any applicable taxes.  Quotes are effective only for orders that will be shipped to US addresses. As with any large print run, there is a +/- 10% for over/under runs.
I was told by the publisher: “In order to receive this special pricing, you just need to contact me directly (either via email or phone) with your order and credit card information so I can place the order on your behalf to ensure that your pricing is accurate. The order must be shipped to one location unfortunately.  If you would like to blog about this, please keep in mind that the discount is only available to you (the creator), so all communication/orders would need to go through you. If that works for you, then I think your idea would really help get the word out.”

I receive no financial benefit from this arrangement.  But I provide this offer in order to help others spread the word that natural child spacing does work.  If anyone is interested, they can contact me at The order would have to be pre-paid.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor, 2008
Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, 2008, classic edition
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood, 2005

NFP: Differences between CCL and NFP International

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Differences between NFP International and CCL International

Inquirers have asked us to state the substantive differences between what is taught by Natural Family Planning International and what is currently taught by the Couple to Couple League International.  The differences are clear. 

Background.  We founded both organizations—CCL in 1971 and NFPI in 2004.  We brought to the League in 1971 three charisms or perspectives.  This became known as the Triple Strand approach to teaching NFP.
 1.  We taught ecological breastfeeding as a form of NFP.   
 2.  We taught the biblically based covenant theology of sexuality as a way to support Humanae Vitae and to explain the meaning of the marriage act.  This concept can be stated in 17 words.  “Sexual intercourse is intended by God to be at least implicitly a renewal of the marriage covenant.”  This concept easily lends itself to consideration of what is involved when man and wife enter into that covenant.
 3.  We were open to all the signs of fertility and developed different rules for different situations. 
    We directed and guided the League for 32 years.  In late 2003 a separation occurred.  In 2004 the new CCLI management decided to terminate its international activities in languages other than English and Spanish.  Later in 2004 we formed NFP International to support what we had previously started in other European languages and to keep our traditional Triple Strand program alive and well via the internet.  In 2005 we opened the NFPI Website,, and published our online manual titled Natural Family Planning
Changes.  In December, 2007 CCL announced significant changes to the traditional program.  CCL titled its announcement an EXTREME MAKEOVER, and the title reflected the changes it made.
1.  CCL dropped the teaching of ecological breastfeeding as a form of natural family planning. 
   On the contrary, we continue to believe that that eco-breastfeeding definitely IS a form of natural family planning.  We believe that it is God’s own plan for spacing babies and therefore the world’s oldest form of NFP.  We further believe that couples deserve to learn about breastfeeding not only as part of God’s plan for healthy babies and mothers but also as part of his plan for baby care and natural baby spacing.
    We know from scientific studies that eco-breastfeeding DOES space babies IF mothers follow the natural mothering pattern first described in Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: The Ecology of Natural Mothering.  We also know that there are misunderstandings about breastfeeding’s influence on baby spacing.  Therefore we are doing what we can to provide the proper information and practical help.
 a.  The preceding book (classic 1974 Harper & Row edition) has been republished (Lulu, 2008, quality paperback).
 b.  To help mothers better understand more clearly the baby-care behaviors usually necessary to experience breastfeeding’s natural infertility, Sheila has also written The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor (Lulu, 2008). 
 c.  In our NFP manual, Natural Family Planning, a chapter is devoted to ecological breastfeeding, and we teach this material in the NFPI three-meeting course.  

2.  In its “extreme makeover,” CCL dropped the covenant theology of sexuality stated above.  CCL has replaced this with an interpretation of the “Theology of the Body” (TOB) developed by Pope John Paul II between 1979 and 1984.  
    The papal TOB is widely praised and rightly so, but experts recognize that it is huge and difficult to understand.  Our experience is that because the TOB covers so much, it needs careful definition.  Further, unless you are reading the entire Theology of the Body and/or are taking a good course on it, what you hear or learn is someone’s interpretation, not the TOB itself.
    We are pleased to note that when the Pope in 1994 was addressing the laity about the meaning of the marriage act, he incorporated the idea that it ought to be a renewal of the marriage covenant.  “In the conjugal act, husband and wife are called to confirm in a responsible way the mutual gift of self which they have made to each other in the marriage covenant” (Letter to Families, n.12).
    Our experience is that couples can grasp and understand this basic concept almost intuitively once they hear it.  Therefore, we continue to believe that covenant theology of sexuality provides a succinct and very workable way to support and explain the teaching of Humanae Vitae.

3.  In its “extreme makeover,” CCL dropped the concept of having different rules for different situations.  It has replaced this with what they call a single rule, but its modifications for different situations effectively make it into three rules. 
    We continue to think it is useful to have different rules for different situations. 

4.  Also included in its “extreme makeover” is a different perspective about how to convey the teaching of the Church regarding the proper use of natural family planning.  Humanae Vitae uses “serious reasons” in section 10 and “just causes” in section 16 to describe the qualifying reasons for the morally good use of NFP. 
    The CCL Student Guide mentions only “just reasons.” 
    In NFPI we use the phrase “sufficiently serious reasons,” as we have done for many years, to convey the meaning of both of these sections of Humanae Vitae. 

Cost: The CCL 3-meeting course costs $135.00.  The NFPI 3-meeting course suggested donation is anywhere from $45 to $85–depending on what the teaching couple decides to offer by way of books in addition to the Natural Family Planning manual used at the NFPI classes.  Our pastor wanted us to charge at least $100 or $125 for the classes because that was the cost for other marriage preparation programs in our area.  Sheila didn’t feel right about that amount.  The pastor, Sheila and I settled on $70.00.  At our classes, Sheila and I give each attending couple the NFPI manual, and the BD digital thermometer. 
For further details, see our postings in various categories of blogs (upper right corner of website).

John F. Kippley
Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality

Three books on breastfeeding

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

Three books on breastfeeding and motherhood

In the last three years, Sheila Kippley has published three books on breastfeeding, two of which were recently published. The books are as follows:

Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood (Sophia Institute Press, 2005) 120 pages, quality paperback, $10.95.

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor ((Lulu, 2008) 116 pages, quality paperback, $11.99.

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: The Ecology of Natural Mothering (Lulu, 2008) 180 pages, quality paperback, classic edition, $14.95. 

The question that must come to mind of many readers is this: Why three books dealing with breastfeeding?  Wouldn’t one be sufficient?  Well, yes, all of the information could have been put into one book, but each book is written from a different perspective and handles different material.  Putting everything together would muddy the focus. 

Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood focuses on the spiritual and theological aspects of the title.  It applies John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to the womanly, bodily act of love called breastfeeding.  We are not aware of any other book, even those specifically about the Theology of the Body, that has made this application.  We hope it has many imitators, but for the present, it appears to be unique.  A great engagement or wedding gift to a loved one. 

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding focuses on seven aspects of baby care that definitely affect the duration of breastfeeding amenorrhea.  It is the up-to-date revision of the 1999 edition of Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing which is now out of print.  This book is eminently practical, based both on research and the practical experience of mothers.  It shows that ecological breastfeeding according to the Seven Standards IS a form of natural family planning that DOES work. 
   The Seven Standards will be of interest to those couples desiring breastfeeding’s natural extended infertility and for those who want to use it as a text for their students.  I think this makes a wonderful gift for the pregnant mother.

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: The Ecology of Natural Mothering is essentially a paperback republication of the 1974 Harper & Row hard cover edition of the same title.  This book is all about natural mothering—really learning to enjoy your baby, taking him with you wherever you go, and following your mothering instincts in the face of cultural obstacles.  Sheila was persuaded by Pam Pilch, the founder of Catholic Nursing Mothers League, to republish this work as well as The Seven Standards.  Of all the editions of Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, this is Pam’s favorite.
   I think it makes a great gift to the mom who has read one or both of the other books and has a few months of breastfeeding experience.  It will offer her much needed support as she carries on the practice of ecological breastfeeding with a baby who is no longer an infant.
   All the books are available at our website

Next week: Some differences between CCL and NFP International

John F. Kippley
Husband and proofreader
Sex and the Marriage Covenant