Archive for 2009

The Greening of NFP Teaching

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

To teach Natural Family Planning, do you need an expensive PowerPoint projector along with an expensive spare light bulb?  We don’t think so.
        We have access to a PowerPoint program and projector, but we don’t use them.  Instead, we teach directly from our manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach.   We sit at a table facing the attending couples at their tables.  All of us have the manual from which we teach.   When we asked our attending couples during the first few courses we taught if they would like us to use PowerPoint, we thought they would prefer the “modern” way, but the couples said “no.” They said it was much more personal this way.   We also use a minimum of electricity.
       In the past, we have taught with slides and we have taught with PowerPoint, but we have come to enjoy this simple teaching method. At the time we began teaching for our current pastor about two years ago, we read a review of a book which stated that PowerPoint is now boring and no longer holds one’s interest, that you can grab their attention more by writing on a blackboard or on a napkin!
       This style of teaching can be done even in poor areas that do not have electricity on a regular basis.   If somebody has a computer and Internet access, manuals can be copied from our website when the electricity, computer, and printer are working.  The manuals can also be purchased from the publisher in many countries.   Teaching can also be done outside during the day if natural light is needed. This way of NFP teaching requires little in the way of materials and money.  It requires no equipment.   It is “green.”

Sheila Kippley
Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach

The Church and Eco-Breastfeeding

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Your book, The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor “deserves maximum distribution and publicity.”  Fr. Paul B. Marx, OSB (October 26, 2009)

Should the Church teach eco-breastfeeding and natural child spacing?  Is it fair to say that eco-breastfeeding is God’s own plan for spacing babies?
Consider the following:
      Research since the Sixties shows overwhelmingly that breastfeeding impacts fertility for the family and for a nation.
      The only type of breastfeeding associated with extended natural infertility is what we call ecological breastfeeding.
      Eco-breastfeeding, on average, provides a mother with a year or more without menstruation and thus provides a year or more of natural infertility.
      For a breastfeeding mother to experience menstruation within three months after childbirth should be the exception, taking nature as the norm.
      Eco-breastfeeding’s natural spacing of births means abstinence-free NFP.
      Breastfeeding is at the end of the reproductive cycle, not childbirth.

      Every engaged and married couple has the right to have this information.
      Eco-breastfeeding is a holy and bodily activity.  Therefore, it should be taught in every course dealing with the theology of the body.
      The Church should promote ecological breastfeeding in its teachings and documents.
      Reading The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding will help you gain a proper perspective on eco-breastfeeding.

Next week:  How to “green” the teaching of NFP

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding

Our weekly blog

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

We had computer problems with the blog this week.   All is well now. Our blog will continue next Sunday, Nov. 29th.

Topic to be covered next week: The Church and Eco-Breastfeeding

We wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.   Please keep NFPI in your prayers.   John and Sheila