Archive for 2010

Holidays: Crazy comments about eco-breastfeeding

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

With the holidays arriving, a mother visiting relatives might have her feelings hurt by some unkind remark about her breastfeeding. We were spared these comments from relatives, but I remember running into a breastfeeding mother in Church  after the Thanksgiving holidays.  She learned about ecological breastfeeding in our NFP class and loved it.  She said their recent Thanksgiving dinner was ruined once everyone found out that she and her husband slept with their baby.  Everyone present at the table was very critical of this practice.
I pray that other breastfeeding mothers do not experience such situations over the holidays.  But, just in case, here is one mother’s advice offered to another mother who was already experiencing comments about her ecological breastfeeding.

I, too, wish I could translate to you the confidence that comes with even a few years under your belt. I faced a husband’s unsuppportive family, so thank God my husband was very supportive of my choices. I would advise traveling minimally. People can travel to you sometimes! I would share as little information as necessary. If your mother sets up a crib or Pak-N-Play in your guest room, just thank her or say nothing at all. Nobody will be in there at night to see where the baby is sleeping. (Now, my MIL did push for at least a year, probably two years, about exactly where my son was sleeping. She’d ask if he could sleep in her room or in another room alone. And where exactly did he sleep last night? Did he sleep in the futon she laid out for him? So with her, I was forced to be direct and I was very pleased that my husband was a warrior for me. He had no qualms about saying, “No, the baby sleeps in bed with his mother.”)

Babysitting offers: thank effusively and politely decline. Assure that as soon as we’re in need of a sitter, you’re at the top of our list! (In response to these, my husband would laugh and say, “How are YOU going to feed the baby?” He made it seem absurd, that there was no other way, that pumping or supplements just wasn’t even an option.)

I loved the idea about pacifiers: “Oh, thanks, our baby just doesn’t take a paci! But we get along fine, so it’s no big deal.” Said in the right tone of voice, that sure sounds like your baby has rejected a pacifier, which some babies absolutely do, even in pacifier-loving families. Now, if they push you hard enough, then the truth will come out, but maybe you can fend things off.

Re: pumping, boy do I hate the current obsession with pumping. Even women who plan to breastfeed, register for pumps and bottles, like it’s a required part of nursing! You could say cheerfully that the need simply hasn’t arisen yet, you haven’t needed it yet, or pumping doesn’t work that well for all women (which is true). I like someone else’s suggestion about how your doctor wants you to nurse directly as much as possible.

I don’t know how much resistance you’ll face or not, but you’ll get through it. I find that most families come to accept “the crazy daughter/daughter-in-law” and stop making so many comments after the second or third child. It just becomes a loving acceptance of a quirky mothering style. 🙂

If anyone would like to share their experiences, please do so.

Have you signed on the petition to support the USBC Breastfeeding: A Vision for the Future? They need 15,000 signers and currently have fewer than 4000.   Anyone living in the U. S.  can sign-up on the first page and download “Breastfeeding: A Vision for the Future” to read at .
Sheila Kippley

Scripture: Nursing babies in Church

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Mothers are encouraged to bring their nursing babies to church according to Scripture.  The prophet Joel specifically called for mothers to bring their nursing babies to the congregation. This passage is read on Ash Wednesday.

From the book of Joel, 2: 15-16.

Blow the trumpet in Zion;
sanctify a fast;
call a solemn assembly;
gather the people.
Sanctify the congregation;
assemble the elders;
gather the children,
even nursing infants.
Let the bridegroom leave his room,
and the bride her chamber.

Another baby? And Kangeroo Care

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

On October 7, 1979 Pope John Paul II, at a Mass on the Capitol Mall in Washington, D.C., encouraged parents to think about having another child.  “Decisions about the number of children and the sacrifices to be made for them must not be taken only with a view to adding to comfort and preserving a peaceful existence.  Reflecting upon this matter before God, with the graces drawn from the Sacrament [of Matrimony], and guided by the teaching of the Church, parents will remind themselves that it is certainly less serious to deny their children certain comforts or material advantages than to deprive them of the presence of brothers and sisters, who could help them to grow in humanity and to realize the beauty of life at all its ages and in all its variety.”

Someone gave us this poem written anonymously.  We framed it and had it for many years in our living area.

Some have banks and some have gold
But you have a child in your arms to hold;
Some have power and some have land
But you have the touch of a little hand;
Some have wishes and some have pride
But you have a kiss at eventide;
Some have fame but you have more:
The patter of feet on the bedroom floor.
A dear good-night in the darkness there–
And the tender words of a little prayer.
A tousled head on the bed lay
At the end of a happy day,
And the light of the stars on a happy face,
And a darling smile that the moonbeams trace.
What matter then if wealth we miss,
For what is wealth compared to this!

For those expecting a baby, consider kangaroo care by mother or father.

Sheila Kippley