Archive for 2011

Natural Family Planning (NFP) for Catholics

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Do Catholics have to practice natural family planning? No.  The Church teaches that it is immoral for married couples to use barrier methods, abortifacients, hormonal birth control, sodomy, masturbation, IVF, sterilization or any other unnatural method of birth control.  The Church teaches that couples who engage in such behavior after sufficient reflection and with full consent of their wills incur the guilt of mortal sin.

Do Catholics need to have a sufficiently serious reason to use natural family planning? It depends. Catholics do need to have a sufficiently serious reason if they choose to avoid or postpone pregnancy with the use of chaste systematic natural family planning. Systematic NFP is when the couple records their fertile and infertile times of the cycle and abstain during their fertile times to avoid pregnancy.  On the other hand, married couples do not need a sufficiently serious reason to use NFP in order to achieve pregnancy.  Nor do they need it to space their babies through breastfeeding.  With ecological breastfeeding you are caring for your baby as God intended and you are doing what is best for your baby.  It is your baby’s frequent and unrestricted suckling day and night that postpones the return of fertility after childbirth.

For Church teaching on family planning and generosity in having children, read Chapters 1 and 7 of Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach.  To learn how to space babies naturally through breastfeeding, read The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor.  Both books or ebooks are available at a 40% discount through August 7 at

Sheila Kippley

Natural Family Planning Books Discounted 40%

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

40% discount!
We are now celebrating NFP Week (July 24-30) and soon we will be celebrating World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7).  To help get the message out, we are offering a 40% discount at for our books listed below:
Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing (the classic1974 Harper & Row edition) —all three books above are available as an ebook

Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive (not an ebook yet)

This 40% discount is available on the above books from July 24 to August 7 at  Other Kippley books are sold at lulu but we are not involved in their prices.  These books also are discounted by lulu.  Scroll down the two pages to find the 40% discount on our books or our ebooks.

Consider sharing these books with others.  John’s memoirs in Battle-Scarred is an easy read, a page turner.  The two breastfeeding books combined make an excellent baby shower gift.  Others tell us that NFPI manual is easy to understand, helpful, and very informative.  The manual also has an “imprimatur” or, as it is called today, “permission to publish.”

Sheila Kippley

8. Natural Family Planning: Being a Prophet in Your Own Parish

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

One can explain to their pastor or bishop the many benefits of the right kind of NFP instruction by asking:

How many engaged women know that OCP’s increase the risk of breast cancer?

How many know that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer?

How many know that breastfeeding reduces the risk of 22 diseases for babies and children and 8 diseases for mothers?

How many engaged women know that Ecological Breastfeeding is a natural baby spacer?

How many engaged couples know that the temperature sign provides the single best indicator of gestational age, i.e., the best indication of the baby’s due date.

How many engaged couples know that the marriage act is, in God’s plan, exclusively a marriage act?

How many of them know that the marriage act ought to be a renewal of the marriage covenant?

How many engaged couples realize that the Nicene Creed that they profess every Sunday is an affirmation of faith in the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit?

How many see the connection between Nicea and the guidance by the same Holy Spirit in the teaching of Casti Connubii and Humanae Vitae?

How many of them have ever read testimonies by former atheists, agnostics, and fertile-time masturbators who became believers because of the content of what’s in the NFPI course?

How many of them have thought that the primary purpose of their relationship is to help each other on the path to heaven?

How many have ever thought of the connection between contraception, the sexual revolution, and some of the huge social and health problems of our day?

Where will they learn these things except in the NFPI course?

One can ask: Father, what is there in the above list that any priest would not want his people to learn?

Where else will they learn so much for so little?  We ask for a donation that is about what the bride pays for her bouquet that she throws away at the reception.

I encourage you to be the voice of Pius XI, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and, I believe, the voice of the Lord himself in asking your pastor to make this course a normal part of preparation for marriage.

I also encourage you and your spouse to read the NFPI manual or take the home study course of NFP International and see how easy it is to teach our form of NFP.  The NFPI manual will be 40% off at for two weeks starting July 24.

John F. Kippley
Sex and the Marriage Covenant