Archive for 2012

MEDICAL RELEASE FORM When Choosing Not to Breastfeed

Sunday, August 26th, 2012

(With a strong insistence on N.Y. mothers to breastfeed in hospitals, I thought this medical release form was appropriate.)

NAME OF THE BABY:__________________

SITUATION:  I have chosen not to breastfeed my baby for personal and/or for medical reasons.   I understand that not-breastfeeding entails health risks to my baby and to myself.  While my formula-fed baby may be healthy, I understand that research shows that breastfed children are overall healthier as babies and also in their later years compared to their formula-fed peers.  While I may be healthy now and in later years, I understand that research shows that I may suffer some adverse consequences from not breastfeeding.

RECOMMENDATIONS:*  Mothers should do exclusive breastfeeding for six months and nurse for at least one year.  Anything less is second best.

ALTERNATIVE:  I may choose to use donated breastmilk.

I understand that medicine, breastfeeding, and formula-feeding are not exact sciences.  I understand, however, scientific research shows that not-breastfeeding exposes my baby to increased risks of the following diseases:
•leukemia  •lymphoma  •type 1 diabetes  •obesity  •diarrhea  •type 2 diabetes  •allergies      •ear infections    •respiratory tract infections  •asthma  •eczema  •urinary tract infections  •bacterial meningitis  •multiple sclerosis  •inflammatory bowel disease  •botulism •gastroenteritis  •necrotizing enterocolitis  •Crohn’s disease  •ulcerative colitis •autoimmune thyroid disease  •sudden infant death syndrome

I realize my child may have poorer school performance with lower cognitive scores during grade school and high school.  Likewise there might be more doctors visits and hospital visits because I did not breastfeed.

By not breastfeeding I understand that I, as the biological mother, may have an increased risk for the following diseases: • breast cancer  • ovarian cancer  • lupus  • thyroid cancer  • anemia  • osteoporosis (increased chance of a hip fracture)  • endometrial cancer • rheumatoid arthritis

I hereby certify that I have read (or have had read to me) and understand the possible risks of not breastfeeding my baby, whether by choice or for medical reasons.  All of my questions regarding the risks have been answered to my satisfaction.
Mother’s Signature:_____________________________Date:____________________
Witness/Professional Signature:__________________________Date:______________

*The above recommendations and risks are found at the following websites:  American Academy of Pediatrics:, American Academy of Family Physicians:, and the U. S. Breastfeeding Committee:  See USBC’s “The Benefits of Breastfeeding” and “The Economics of Breastfeeding.”

© 2006 Sheila Kippley.   Reproduction permission is given for purposes of breastfeeding education.  This release was adapted from the release form her husband had to sign before eye surgery.

Why is Contraception Wrong?

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

1.  It contradicts God’s plan for love, marriage and sexuality.
God has a plan for love, marriage and sexuality.  In that plan, the marriage act is meant to be exclusively a marriage act.  That means that such an action outside of marriage is intrinsically dishonest, pretending to be what it cannot be.  The Bible calls such actions fornication and adultery.
In God’s plan, the marriage act within marriage is intended to be a renewal of the marriage covenant the couple freely entered.  It ought to affirm and renew the self-giving love and the for-better-and-for-worse commitment of the marriage vows.  But the body language of contraceptive behaviors say, “I take you for better but positively not for the imagined ‘worse’ of possible pregnancy.”  They contradict the marriage covenant and are thus dishonest and immoral.

2.  Some forms of birth control contradict God’s plan for taking care of our health.  
Good health is a great gift from God, and we are obliged to take reasonable efforts to take care of it.  The birth control pill increases a woman’s risks of suffering breast cancer.  Compared to women who never use the Pill, a woman who uses the Pill increases her risk of breast cancer by 44% if she ever uses it, and it increases her risks by 52% if she uses it for four or more years before her first full-term pregnancy. (C. Kahlenborn, FM Modugno, and others, “Oral contraceptive use as a risk factor for premenopausal breast cancer: a meta-analysis,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2006:81(10):1290-1302.)  The WHO has labeled the birth control chemicals as a Group 1 carcinogen—the most dangerous classification.  Who is anti-woman—the people who want to foist this carcinogen on unsuspecting teenagers or the Church which teaches its people not to use contraception?

3.  Contraception contradicts what Jesus teaches us about marriage.
Jesus clearly teaches us in Scripture and in his Church that God has created the state of marriage.  When questioned about divorce, Jesus put it very simply:  “What God has put together, let no one take apart.”  That also applies to the marriage act.
Who put together the procreative and the unitive aspects of the marriage act?  Every believer has to say, “God Himself put together these two aspects in the marriage act.”
What is contraception except the effort to take apart what God Himself has joined in the marriage act?  There’s no getting around it—that’s what contraception is all about.

What’s the moral and healthy and effective alternative?
Natural family planning.
1.  Systematic NFP can be used at the 99% level of effectiveness for postponing pregnancy.   Among less-fertile couples it can be very helpful for achieving pregnancy.
2.  Ecological breastfeeding naturally spaces babies—on average about two years apart.
St. Lawrence parish regularly conducts NFP courses so that you can have the positive and healthy alternatives to unnatural forms of birth control.   For more information, see

Our pastor, Fr. Mark Watkins, asked John Kippley to write this for his church bulletin.  This insert appeared in the April 4, 2012 St. Lawrence Church Sunday bulletin.

Motherhood: The Highest Calling

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

In the evening of July 24, I happened to turn on talk radio while working in the kitchen and began listening to Dave Ramsey’s talk show on finances.  Mr. Ramsey is a popular national radio personality and a personal money-management expert who, to me, seems to stress being debt-free.  Several questions that night dealt with finances so that the mother could stay home with her children.

He listed the expenses a working mother with young children incurs, and it came to $25,000— similar to what the experts were saying about ten years ago.

I was especially impressed with his emphasis on the importance of being there for your children.  As he said, “the highest calling is motherhood.”  And he repeated himself, that he could think of no higher calling.  Thank you, Mr. Ramsey.  It is so rare to hear that kind of statement today.  I’m sure it was appreciated by many mothers who hope to stay home with their children.

Sheila Kippley