Archive for 2016

Natural Family Planning International: The one to support

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Do you know
that breastfeeding is the only variable that offers lifelong protection against breast cancer?

―that if every mother worldwide did predominant breastfeeding 823,000 lives of children under 5 would be saved each year?

―that the frequent nursing of “ecological breastfeeding” offers the best hope of a long-term milk supply?

Do you know

that NFP International teaches ecological breastfeeding as a form of natural family planning?

that ecological breastfeeding provides, on the average, 14 to 15 months of natural infertility?

And what is ecological breastfeeding?   Eco-breastfeeding is that form of nursing in which

1) the mother fulfills her baby’s needs for frequent suckling and her full-time presence and

2) in which the child’s frequent suckling postpones the return of the mother’s fertility.

Do you know that NFP International is the only American NFP organization that teaches all of the following?

  1. Ecological breastfeeding and the Seven Standards as a form of natural family planning.
  2. The covenant theology of human sexuality as an easy way to grasp the teaching of Humanae Vitae.
  3. Systematic NFP with different answers for different situations.
  4. The need for a sufficiently serious reason to use systematic NFP to postpone pregnancy.
  5. The immorality of using masturbation and sodomy during the fertile time as a form of “NFP.”

Do you know that NFP International needs your help to grow as a corporal and spiritual work of mercy?

We believe that developing a culture of life requires a widespread rejection of marital contraception and conversion to God’s plan for life, love and family.  That entails generosity in having children, acceptance of ecological breastfeeding, when possible, for spacing babies, and using chaste systematic NFP when more spacing is needed.

If you share this conviction, please help the NFPI apostolate.  Please make your check to NFPI and send to:
NFP International, P. O. Box 861; Steubenville OH 43952
Or donate online at the website.

Thank you for reading this.  Please pray for us and for the NFP International apostolate.  Please donate; your gift will make a difference.  NFPI is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization.  Gifts are tax-deductible.

–John and Sheila Kippley
PS. Please visit our website. We are working to make it the “go-to” site for 1) practical help with NFP including a downloadable manual for a small donation and free charts, 2) theological support for Humanae Vitae and 3) breastfeeding research.

Breastfeeding for Spacing Babies: An Ongoing Health Issue

Sunday, September 11th, 2016

In the United States, 81.1% of newborn infants started breastfeeding, 51.8% are still nursing at 6 months and only one-third are nursing at 12 months.  Rarely do mothers follow the American Pediatric Association recommendations of 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding and the continued nursing for at least one year.

Exclusive breastfeeding offers a brief natural spacing of babies, but ecological breastfeeding offers an extended natural infertility that exclusive breastfeeding alone does not provide.

Reported in secular papers on August 23, 2016 was a recent study in the Maternal and Child Health Journal that offers three risks for premature births: women who were underweight, had poor weight gain during pregnancy, or short periods of time between pregnancies.  The article stressed that education interventions should be given on the importance of birth spacing.  The US has a higher rate of pre-term births than many other nations.  Certainly education about Ecological Breastfeeding can contribute greatly to a desirable natural spacing of babies.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding


Natural Family Planning with Breastfeeding

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

With the available research and the experiences of many mothers, it is astounding that most Church and NFP teacher ignore ecological breastfeeding to space babies.  Some blogging moms have been so enthusiastic about discovering eco-breastfeeding that they have written their own series of blogs on the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding—one Catholic  mom in the USA, another in Ireland, and a Lutheran mom also in the USA.

We ask you to pray that someone will make this message known.  Maybe a well-known Catholic or celebrity!  I often pray that Our Blessed Mother will find a way.   Here is the experience of a mother who used breastfeeding alone to space her babies and found this natural way more helpful than using systematic NFP:

“I just wanted to say thank you for your website and especially Sheila’s book, The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding.   I got the book through La Leche League when my eldest child was about a year old and I still hadn’t had a period. My husband and I are Catholic, and so we don’t want to use anything other than NFP.  My experience has been that breastfeeding has been the most effective and least stressful method of spacing our children, much more so than any of the more systematic NFP methods we have tried to learn.  So thank you for writing your book, since it really helped reassure me that I (and my body) were acting in a normal and natural way. It has been 8 years since I read your book, and we now have 4 kids. The smallest age gap between any of them is 2 years exactly, and during all this time, we have mostly relied on breastfeeding alone to plan our family, since I have great difficulty reading and interpreting my fertility charts even after instruction in 2 different NFP methods” (August 2016).

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding