Archive for 2017

Breastfeeding is out; Formula Feeding is in. A tragedy!

Sunday, December 31st, 2017

In December 2017, a study on infant feeding among infants during the first six months of life was published in the International Breastfeeding Journal.  This study involved 1899 United States mothers.  Sadly, at one month postpartum, more mothers formula-fed (33%), than those mothers who did direct breastfeeding or those who pumped or those who offered solid food feeding.  Many moms were offering solid food at 2 to 4 months of life.  Many moms who combined all three different feedings (direct breastfeeding, pumping and forumla-feeding) ended up with just formula feeding by the 2nd month of life.

The tragedy of the predominance of formula feeding in our country is the loss of the health benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby.  Breastfeeding is not only the best nutrition, it is also part of a natural system that provides information and protection as well as nutrition.

Mixing up a variety of feedings for the baby certainly decreases or eliminates the spacing effect of breastfeeding and could reduce the milk supply.  In my opinion this research once again illustrates the advantages of Ecological Breastfeeding.

Once cycling resumes for the ecologically breastfeeding mother, her cycles are very similar to  those of  a non-nursing woman.

Extended amenorrhea is a great benefit to the married couple because this plan of God’s requires no abstinence.  It’s a natural birth spacer.  But most importantly, breastfeeding saves lives and reduces the risk of so many diseases for both mother and baby.

Couples who take instruction from NFP International via classes or the home study course will receive this message.

In this season of giving, please give NFP International your financial support so that more and more couples can learn this part of God’s plan for the welfare of mothers and babies.

Sheila Kippley
Please donate.


Pleasant Surprises: Support for Humanae Vitae

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

The month of November brought two affirmations of Humanae Vitae that are good reasons for giving thanks.

At the annual November meeting of the US Bishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York told his fellow bishops that the bishops need to “resuscitate” Humanae Vitae. Previously, he had made a public statement about the bishops having laryngitis concerning this important teaching of Pope Paul VI.

This statement rises from the level of “welcome” to the level “most welcome and greatly needed” in the face of rumors coming from Rome about efforts to water down Humanae Vitae’s teaching against all unnatural forms of birth control.

In her Thanksgiving weekend column in the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan—also from New York—noted that the sexual abuses that have recently come to light illustrate the wisdom of Humanae Vitae.  In section 17 of that encyclical, Pope Paul VI issued some dire warnings about what would happen if there was a widespread societal acceptance of marital contraception. Basically, he said that changes in sexual attitudes and behaviors won’t stop there.  He prophesied an easy road to infidelity, a general lowering of morality, loss of respect for women, and he accurately saw the danger of putting birth control into the hands of government.

There is no real question about it.  Marital contraception is at the heart of the Sexual Revolution, and the evils are there for all but the self-blinded to see.  This isn’t news.  In March 1971 a generally liberal theological journal published an article showing that the decision-making principles of the dissenters cannot say NO even to spouse swapping.  Mary Eberstsadt recently wrote a whole book—Adam and Eve after the Pill— about the sociological evils stemming from the acceptance of marital contraception.

I hope that our bishops have been adequately informed about the Peggy Noonan statement.  Bishops need to realize that the received teaching reaffirmed by Humanae Vitae is a great blessing.  In the face of the hurricane of the Sexual Revolution, Blessed Pope Paul VI did his job as Pope.  He has thus saved many, many believing Catholics and other Christians from many of the problems—both health-wise and culture-wise—of the Sexual Revolution.

Parents who love their children make rules to protect them from danger.  Humanae Vitae is a gift from the Lord who loves his people and thus protects us by teaching us to stay on the path of self-giving love.  As Professor Edward Sri likes to say, “Love demands laws.”

John F. Kippley, Dec 8, 2017

Breastfeeding and Avoiding Poor Attachment

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

How do you avoid poor attachment with your baby?  (continued from previous blog)

Dr. Ken Magid, a clinical psychologist for 20 years, said that “second to killing someone, isolation is the worst thing we can do” and, therefore, that babies need to be nursed, rocked, swayed, and held.  According to Magid, nurturing is the key.  Having a good outcome for your child begins by “being wanted” as an infant and “being wanted” starts at the breast of the mother.  High-risk children have experienced trauma in their lives, and it usually happens during the first year and a half of life.  The trauma is due to severe stress, said Magid, and these high-risk kids place little value on their lives and no value on other people’s lives.

What researchers have learned is that stress harms brain cells.  During stress the body gives out large doses of cortisol.  Cortisol can shrink the part of the brain responsible for learning.  Cortisol can also stunt the brain cells’ ability to communicate with each other by causing the connecting dendrites to atrophy.  Brain cells die in both humans and animals when neglected by their mothers.   That’s the bad news.  The good news is that the mother’s physical presence or contact with her baby protects the baby against these harmful effects.

Isabelle Fox, a psychotherapist for 35 years, compares the effects upon a small child when a total stranger takes care of him to the lack of care of one spouse to another spouse.  She says:  “How important would any married person feel if his or her spouse was seldom home when needed or paid a stranger to take him or her out for dinner or to a movie?”  The child taken care of by others similarly can feel he is of little value to his parents.  In a parenting magazine, The Nurturing Parent, last summer, Dr. Fox asks:  “Is there a noticeable difference in the child parented by a consistent, nurturing caregiver in the crucial pre-verbal years of zero to three years of age?”  She answers “Yes!   I have seen the benefits of a consistent, responsive caregiver, and the disasters when this does not occur.”

I know people, and I’m sure you do also, who are hurting because they feel they have no family that cares about them or who feel their parents show no interest in them.  This situation can be very painful for anyone, even as adults.  As Gerald Campbell [mentioned in last week’s blog] said, “Americans have an aloneness that cannot be tolerated by the human heart.”    And to repeat from last week’s blog,  the proper care of a little one can be summarized with three key words:  Availability, Responsiveness, and Sensitivity.  And those three forms of care by the mother occur more easily with breastfeeding.
(Sheila Kippley:   These last four blogs were part of a keynote address given at LLL So. Calif. State Conference, May 1998.  I feel the importance of the mother’s presence to her baby during the early years  needs to be repeated every few years.)