Archive for 2017

Breastfeeding and Its Benefits

Sunday, November 12th, 2017

Every year I write quite a few blogs that review the breastfeeding research for the previous year.  Each year the research is overwhelming on the benefits of breastfeeding.  The more I learn, the more I want to see churches, schools, and health care program do more to educate their people about these blessings God wants to give babies and their mothers.  Certainly the Church should be doing more to teach the abstinence-free natural baby spacing that results from the right kind of breastfeeding.

I’m excited to inform our readers about some important research that was recently published.  Two studies deal with situations that are sometimes controversial—SIDS and bonding.

Breastfeeding (partial or exclusive) for two months cuts the risk of SIDS in half.   The longer the mother breastfeeds, the greater the protection.  (Pediatrics, October 2017)  A common reaction to SIDS is a fear-inducing message to new parents that they must never sleep with their baby.  On the contrary, the truly safe sleeping pattern is one that follows the safe-sleeping rules.  For guidelines on safe bed-sharing with baby, go to links at the NFP International website ( left column) .

The other research showed that breastfeeding aids bonding between mother and child up to age 11.  As the researchers concluded: “Breastfeeding was observed to have positive consequences for maternal sensitivity beyond the infant–toddler period. Mothers who persisted in breastfeeding for a longer duration increased their maternal sensitivity over time, suggesting that breastfeeding may set in motion a cascade of positive benefits for mothers in their parenting behaviors.”  Mothers and child were observed at 8 different times during the course of this study which involved 1,272 families. The mothers averaged only 17 weeks of breastfeeding.   “It was surprising to us that breastfeeding duration predicted change over time in maternal sensitivity,” said the study’s lead author, Jennifer Weaver, PhD, of Boise State University. “We had prior research suggesting a link between breastfeeding and early maternal sensitivity, but nothing to indicate that we would continue to see effects of breastfeeding significantly beyond the period when breastfeeding had ended.”   (Developmental Psychology, October 2017)

The next four blogs will deal with the importance of the mother’s breastfeeding and her presence to her baby.
Sheila Kippley


Natural Family Planning International

Sunday, November 5th, 2017
  • We need your help to keep sharing this information with those who seek us on the internet. The NFPI teaching manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach, is available online for only $10.
  • We need your help to keep offering personalized instruction with the NFPI Home Study Course. Users typically give it a 9 or 10 in their evaluation. No matter how small their town or how irregular their schedule, anyone can now have first-class instruction at their own pace.
  • You know that marital contraception is the elephant in the living room, the rectory and even the sanctuary. You know that the widespread acceptance of marital contraception has led not only to the consequences predicted by Blessed Paul VI but also to the widespread acceptance of both marital sodomy and same-sex sodomy and now to widespread societal acceptance of same-sex “marriage.”
  • Please help us to keep making a difference. Please help us to educate priests and bishops. Help us to reach out to couples via contemporary media. Please help us to share these beautiful teachings with the entire Church and the world.  Please make a difference in the lives of pastors and their people by generously supporting the NFP International apostolate.

Please send your most generous gift to NFP International. Everything helps, both large and small.   Thank you very much for your help.  We will use it well.  Donations are very much needed to keep NFPI alive.
John and Sheila Kippley, Co-founders and volunteers

I want to make a difference.  Here’s my check to help.
$1,000___    750___    500___    250___    100___    50___    25___   Other___
Please make your check to NFP International.
Send to NFPI, Box 861, Steubenville, OH 43952
NFP International is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization.
Visit us at where you can also donate and contact us.

Sheila Kippley


Natural Family Planning International

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

The teachings of NFP International are listed below.

Ecological breastfeeding truly does space babies without periodic abstinence.  Repeated research shows that mothers who follow the Seven Standards of eco-breastfeeding experience extended breastfeeding infertility.  St. John Paul II encouraged mothers to breastfeed for at least two years and beyond.

The New Evangelization helps couples to understand how Jesus is the author of the teachings of the Church including its difficult moral teachings.

Teaching Catholic morality means letting couples know that it is morally wrong to engage in masturbation and marital sodomy at any time including the fertile time.  Due to our culture, this is a necessary part of teaching marital chastity.

The Covenant theology is a straightforward statement about the meaning of sexual union.  “Sexual intercourse is intended by God to be, at least implicitly, a renewal of the marriage covenant.”  A common reaction is “That makes sense.“  In fact, it makes such good sense that it has helped non-Catholics to accept Catholic teaching on birth control and eventually enter the Church.

All signs of fertility and infertility are taught in a highly effective cross-checking way.

Sheila Kippley
Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach  (the NFPI teaching manual)