Archive for 2017

Natural Family Planning International

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017

Isn’t NFP just another name for Catholic birth control?
Every good that God has given us can be misused.  That’s why it’s important that NFP instruction transmit authentic Catholic teaching about having children.  We quote generously from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Humanae Vitae, and St. John Paul II, and it is appreciated as indicated in the following true statement.
     John, we came to your class with the idea of having only two children and were looking for some sort of Catholic approved birth control.  Your NFP course opened our eyes and we are so happy to have our eight children.

Is there any real need for NFP instruction for most couples?
In his 1981 Familiaris Consortio, St. John Paul II wrote, “Every effort must be made to render such knowledge [about fertility] accessible to all married couples and also to young adults before marriage.”

Does Natural Family Planning International fill this need?
NFP International (NFPI) fills this need in several ways.  By way of content, NFPI is unique.  We teach all the common signs of fertility and infertility in a highly effective cross-checking way; we also teach Ecological Breastfeeding which is the most natural form of baby spacing. We do all of this in the context of the New Evangelization, Catholic morality, and a Covenant Theology of sexuality.

More next week on the teachings of NFPI.
Sheila Kippley

Ecological Breastfeeding IS Natural Family Planning BUT it’s different!

Sunday, October 15th, 2017

The presence of ecological breastfeeding has definite advantages that no other NFP method has.  Sure, you can say systematic NFP reduces cancer, but that derives from the absence of the use of hormonal birth control and not in the use of systematic NFP.

The presence of ecological breastfeeding has many advantages, unlike other methods of NFP including the Sympto-Thermal method that we teach.  That’s because all the other “methods” are based on fertility awareness and abstinence during the fertile time.

Ecological breastfeeding offers 1, 2 or occasionally 3 years of extended infertility (no menstruation).  Other NFP methods do not offer that.

Ecological breastfeeding offers 1, 2, or occasionally 3 years of NO abstinence.  Other NFP methods do not offer that.

Ecological breastfeeding saves lives.  Those are babies’ lives as well as women’s lives.  Other NFP systems cannot do that.

For the mother, ecological breastfeeding protects against breast cancer, ovarian cancer, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, endometrial cancer, thyroid cancer, lupus, osteoporosis and heart disease.  Other NFP methods cannot do that except negatively—the absence of abortifacient hormonal birth control.

For the baby, ecological breastfeeding protects against allergies, asthma, bacterial meningitis, botulism, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea, ear infections, eczema, gastroenteritis, leukemia, lymphoma, autoimmune thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, necrotizing enterocolitis, obesity, respiratory tract infections, SIDS, ulcerative colitis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and urinary tract infections.   Other NFP methods do not do that.

The presence of ecological breastfeeding requires NO charting or device or app which are associated with the NFP fertility-awareness methods.

Ecological breastfeeding—or a pattern very similar to eco-breastfeeding—is truly God’s plan for mother and baby.  For this natural plan we are indeed very grateful.  However, when there is a sufficiently serious reason to practice another method of NFP, we are also truly grateful for the science behind these methods and for their availability.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

Natural Family Planning with Ecological Breastfeeding

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

A breastfeeding survey is an instrument used to determine various factors related to the duration of breastfeeding amenorrhea—the absence of periods while breastfeeding.  We have used such surveys since 1969, and they are the basis for studies published in 1972 and 1986.   Occasionally an explanatory letter accompanies the survey, and that’s what we publish below.  The survey indicated that the mother intentionally decreased the amount of suckling time, decreased the amount of working out, and intentionally gained 5-7 pounds over a six-month period.  She claimed that these factors caused a return of menstruation at 16½ months and the return of her fertility.

This survey came from Missouri, the “Show Me” state, and her experiences certainly showed her the value of Ecological Breastfeeding.  Read her comments below:

Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood has been a wonderful resource and source of inspiration and encouragement for me.  I have read it cover to cover 6 times (so far)!  I also utilize Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing for info as well.  That book fully convicted me to use the Seven Standards.  I feel so bonded with my now 16 month old son.  The connection between breastfeeding and Theology of the Body is apparent to me.  La Leche League and The womanly Art of Breastfeeding have also been invaluable to me.  I love nursing my son and will nurse any future children we are blessed with using the 7 Standards.  I have also read Sheila’s writing on the first 3 years.  As a result, my last day of working outside the home was the day before I went into labor.  Although I loved my job as an RN and was very proud of my 10 year career I know my son will only be small for a short period of time.  Prior to becoming pregnant my husband and I lived only off of his income so that if God ever blessed us with children it would be very easy for me to stay at home.  I wouldn’t change a thing.  Our society needs to return to strong families and moral values, and breastfeeding is a big part of that return.  Thank you for your commitment to this important work.  I will pray for you all, and you can pray for my husband and me to be blessed with many more children.”

I thanked her for her survey and she replied:  “Although I knew and know in my heart that staying home with my son is the right choice, it was still hard for me to verbalize to people that ‘I stay home with my son.’  I was very proud of my 10 year nursing career but I am even more proud to do what God is calling me to do.  I’m not sure if I mentioned this in my survey, but I am currently trying to limit the amount of extended suckling my son does but I am NOT trying to wean him. My husband and I are very hopeful for many more children and hope that God will bless us with a pregnancy this month!”  L. P.

Breastfeeding Survey
Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor