Archive for 2018

Natural Family Planning Greatly Reduces Breast Cancer

Sunday, October 28th, 2018

October is the month in which emphasis is placed on finding a cure for breast cancer, but not much is said about preventing it.  Natural Family Planning is a great way to reduce a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer.

To those who are informed, the most obvious way to reduce the risk of breast cancer is simple: Never take the Pill.  If a young woman takes the Pill for 4 years or more before her first full-term pregnancy, she increases her risk of breast cancer by 44%.   The World Health Organization has stated that the Pill is in a Group 1 (worst kind) carcinogen.  Every October Pink article ought to be warning against the Pill!

Breastfeeding, God’s own plan for spacing babies—especially via ecological breastfeeding, greatly reduces a mother’s risk for getting breast cancer.  The American Institute for Cancer Research states that breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding followed by extended breastfeeding, reduces the risk of maternal breast cancer. It also decreases the risk of the child getting cancer.  Why?  Because breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of lymphoma and leukemia.

Researchers of a 2002 study involving 147,000 women said that a major contributor to the high incidence of breast cancer in the USA is that mothers do not breastfeed or breastfeed for too short a time.  “If women in developed countries had 2.5 children, on average, but breastfed each child for six months longer than they currently do, about 25,000 breast cancers would be prevented each year, and if each child were breastfed for an additional twelve months, about 50,000 breast cancers might be prevented annually.”

What needs to be said by those involved with promoting breast cancer prevention is that taking the Pill and formula-feeding are high risk factors for breast cancer. Even when breast cancer has occurred in a family relative, the woman who breastfeeds reduces her chance of getting premenopausal breast cancer by 59%! One in 8 women will develop breast cancer and almost 40,000 die from this disease every year.

With ecological breastfeeding, the presence of amenorrhea is a factor for the decreased risk of ovarian cancer as well as breast cancer.

Natural Family Planning, whether it be systematic NFP to avoid the Pill or ecological breastfeeding, needs to be widely promoted for all its health benefits, especially during the breast-cancer prevention month of October.

For more information on breast cancer prevention, read “Breast Cancer: Risks and Prevention” by Breast Cancer Prevention Institute.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

Breast Cancer Prevention and Childbearing

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

We are halfway through “pink October”, the month in which special attention is given to breast cancer awareness, prevention and healing. Here’s something I’ll bet you haven’t seen in the big media: Childbearing lowers the risk of breast cancer.

A 2002 newspaper article I recently found by Emma Ross was titled: “Breast-feeding protects from cancer” and sub-titled “Having more childlren can also reduce chance of breast cancer.” Ross points out that childbearing was linked to breast cancer in 1743 when “an Italian researcher called the disease an occupational hazard of nuns.” My single aunt also developed breast cancer.

In July 2002, a research of 20,000 women called the Million Women Study found that the risks go down the more children you have. Non-breastfeeding mothers lowered their risk of breast cancer by 7% for every additional child they had. Breast cancer also dropped 4.3% for every year the women breastfed.

What do some organizations state about having children and breast cancer?  The National Cancer Institute said in 2016 that the risk of breast cancer declines with the number of children borne. Women who have given birth to five or more children have half the breast cancer risk of women who have not given birth. The Breast Cancer Prevention Institute said in 2007 that the age at which a woman chooses to have children also influences the breast cancer risk. Compared to a woman who gives birth at 30, a woman who has a full-term pregnancy before age 20 has only one-third the risk of breast cancer. By having children early in their reproductive life, women can greatly reduce their breast cancer risk.

Sheila Kippley

Current Scandal and Humanae Vitae

Sunday, October 14th, 2018

Friends, I think that as a result of the current Scandal even you can better understand what Sheila and I have endured for 50 years of defending Humanae Vitae: 50 years of significant rejection! Immediately after Humanae Vitae, I wrote about the need to counter the efforts to rationalize, in the worst sense of that word, the acceptance of contraception.  I advocated that adequate Catholic theology would help “the [contraception-accepting] couple to realize that their solution of one evil to counteract another tends to provide the rationalization for adultery, fornication and every other violation of the sexual order of creation as well as just about every sin imaginable” (Covenant, Christ and Contraception, Alba House, 1970, p. 126).  At about the same time, Michael F. Valente’s book was published.  He took dissent to its logical limits and proclaimed a doctrine of subjectivity in which he accepted even bestiality.

I wrote in 1971 in Theological Studies that the principles of dissent against Catholic teaching regarding marital contraception were also principles of dissent against every other aspect of sexual morality.  No one ever criticized me in public, but the book and the article did little or nothing to stop or slow the dissenter’s bandwagon.  In 1977 the Catholic Theological Society of America published a book that also accepted a truly radical subjectivity.  I can still remember that they would leave any teaching about adultery to the sociologists.  This was the horrible situation in the Church when St. John Paul II began his papacy in 1978 and made the support of Humanae Vitae the principal teaching effort of the first ten years of his pontificate. 

My point is this: It was public knowledge among the theologically educated that the acceptance of unnatural forms of birth control was at least implicitly an acceptance of sodomy and bestiality and anything imaginable provided the parties were mutually agreed and were of legal age.   Even ten years of teaching by St. John Paul II seemed to have little effect. 

Now, thanks to the outrageous pride and sins of some of those with same-sex orientation, the cancer in the Church is being recognized and steps are being taken to heal it with the radiation of the truth as well as by the surgery of public exposure.  Yes, surgery sometimes can be very smelly, and the same is true at present within the Church.

Hang in there, my friends.  Keep praying for authentic renewal within the Church from top to bottom and for the conversion of sinners, as our Lady of Fatima asked us to pray, including those in high places.  This is a wonderful time in the Church. We cannot pray too much for the cleansing to be authentic and thorough.
John F. Kippley