Archive for April, 2020

Natural Family Planning and the Importance of Breastfeeding for the Environment

Sunday, April 5th, 2020

“Support for breastfeeding is an environmental imperative” (BMJ 2019; 367:l5646).  That research was reported in the October 2 issue of the British Medical Journal.

The BMJ report opened our eyes to the reality that the work of our organization is having beneficial effects on the air we breathe (as well as the water we drink which we have known for some years).  We educate ordinary people on how they can improve the environment of their families, especially the mother-baby micro-environment.  That is, we help individuals to help themselves and their families by making good choices.

What makes our organization—NFP International–truly unique is that it addresses three important family-life issues—baby care, the meaning of human sexuality, and two healthy ways to space babies.

  1. Ecological Breastfeeding is the healthiest form of the mother-baby environment. It’s also a healthy way to space babies.
  2. The Covenant meaning of the marriage act provides a common-sense meaning to human sexuality. This can benefit the social environment.
  3. The fertility-awareness system of Dr. Konald A. Prem (Ob-Gyn) gives couples real freedom to choose among various signs of female fertility and infertility. This benefits the waterways environment as well as the marriage environment.

And here’s the kicker: breastfeeding can provide environmental protection.  That sounds almost unbelievable, but the BMJ report stated that if all new mothers in the UK did Exclusive Breastfeeding (only mother’s milk) for six months, that would have the same CO2 reduction as removing between 50,000 and 77,500 cars off the road each year!  That’s from a leading medical journal.  Your number-crunchers can extrapolate that to the USA and the rest of the world.
John and Sheila Kippley