Second Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Second Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding

Pacify Your Baby at Your Breasts

Pacification at the breast is important for breastfeeding infertility. 

Regular use of pacifiers has been shown by research to interfere with natural infertility.  The mother interested in natural infertility will use her breasts to comfort her baby and to satisfy his need for non-nutritive suckling.  This closeness is very special to both mother and baby.

“I love your coverage of real, natural mothering.  People tell me I hold my baby too much, feed her too often, should give her a pacifier, and should not sleep with her.  I ignore it all.  How can my family possibly be happier.”

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood

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