Sex and the Marriage Covenant
“This is an excellent book on the covenant theology of sex and marriage.”
— “becomewhatyouare” blogger, August 24, 2010
One of the nicest comments for this book came from the priest who read Sex and the Marriage Covenant before granting the imprimatur, now called “Permission to Publish” by the Church. As stated in this book, this means “The Nihil obstat and Imprimatur are a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free from doctrinal or moral error.”
On February 5, 2005, Rev. Robert A. Stricker granted the Nihil Obstat (No Objections) to Sex and the Marriage Covenant saying:
“John F. Kippley in his manuscript Sex and the Marriage Covenant presents a very thorough theology of sexuality. Though he sometimes is at odds with the conclusion of certain reputable theologians, whose opinions have been accepted as valid probable opinions, I found nothing in this manuscript which contradicts the formal magisterial statements on sexual morality from the declarations by Popes Pius XI, Pius XII, Paul VI, John XXIII, and John Paul II, nor in documents issued by the United States Conference of Bishops, nor in the allocutions of Pope John Paul II. All of the author’s conclusions flow logically from the above mentioned statements. So until such a time that Rome should render a negative opinion concerning any of the conclusions in Sex and the Marriage Covenant, I believe they express a probable theological opinion, if not a probabilior [more probable] opinion.”
Sex and the Marriage Covenant is a must read for those interested in marriage and for those working for the Church.
Sheila Kippley