Ecological Breastfeeding is a form of Natural Family Planning

The Church and NFP teachers have been too silent on a method of natural family planning that has many benefits and requires no abstinence!  It is truly God’s own plan for spacing babies, his plan for the natural spacing of births.

I am amazed at the silence on birth control today by the Catholic media and by bishops when they are being interviewed.  It’s popular for bishops or influential Catholics to be asked questions about same-sex marriage, Catholic pro-choice politicians, immigration, homosexuality, etc., but rarely is the subject of birth control a topic.

Some natural family planning teachers ignore the Lactational Amenorrhea Method  except for the first 56 postpartum days, and almost all of them ignore the best way to space babies via ecological breastfeeding.  All engaged and married couples should be taught all their options: all the fertility signs and their rules, the Lactational Amenorrhea Method and ecological breastfeeding.  Eliminating the teaching of the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding is an injustice to those couples.

To learn more about ecological breastfeeding, read The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor.  During World Breastfeeding Week, it is available at a 40% discount at through August 7.  It’s an easy read and costs very little.  Buy a copy for a friend, a relative, a priest, or a Church library. 

Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach, Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, and Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive (John’s memoirs) are also available at a 40% discount through August 7.

Want another discount off your order at today and tomorrow only, July 28th and 29th?  Write in the code, TIME305, after selecting books and get 25% off your order!

Sheila Kippley

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