NFP Speaker Available

Speaker available to Promote the Truth and Demands of Love plus Practical Help

My husband has written considerably about the teaching reaffirmed by Humanae Vitae, and we have done what we can to provide the practical help to live out its teachings.  Our interest is not birth control as such but the truth.  Here is how John replied to a recent correspondent:

“I have no passion for systematic NFP, but I do have a passion for the teaching of the Church and for the truth, including the truth about the various ways of doing systematic NFP.  My passion is simply for telling the truth about the demands of love and for providing as much practical help as we can to live out those truths.  And, of course, I have a passion for ecological breastfeeding because it’s God’s plan for feeding and nurturing babies.”

If you know a seminary or parish that would like to have John talk on these subjects, or if you know a parish that has a group of couples interested in learning natural family planning, please contact NFPI.

Sheila Kippley

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