Here are some benefits pf using the temperature sign during a woman’s fertile years:
Is a one-minute sign. Does not take all day to observe.
Provides 99% certainty of pregnancy and saves the test of a pregnancy kit.
Tells you when pregnancy has not occurred.
Tells you when your period is about to start.
Tells you when a very fertile-looking mucus patch was not associated with ovulation.
Tells you when you have irregular shedding.
Identifies a double mucus patch.
May inform a woman that she is sick or has a special situation even if she feels fine.
May give her a clue as to why she hasn’t conceived.
Gives a clear indication of post-ovulation infertility, so much so that one particular type of thermal shift has been found to be equivalent to sterilization.
Gives a good indication of the end of pre-ovulation infertility, thanks to Dr. E. K. Doering.
Works well for a cycling breastfeeding mother.
Gets the husband involved whether trying to conceive or avoid.
Is very objective and easy to learn.
Unfortunately, some persons say things about the temperature sign that are mistaken. For good instruction on temperature-taking and answers to some common misunderstandings, read Chapter 3 in Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach. A good basal digital thermometer is recommended at the NFPI website.
Sheila Kippley
Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach