Natural Family Planning Home Study Course

Couples are most appreciative of the NFPI Home Study Course.  They gain a lot of information regarding NFP and eco-breastfeeding, but, more importantly, they learn Church teaching regarding marriage, children, and family planning.

The NFP Home Study Course is inexpensive compared to other programs, but offers a wealth of information.  With NFPI’s home study course, you get more for less!  Here are some couples’ comments.

We really enjoyed learning about this and talking with each other about what we have learned during the course.

This course has been so interesting and I have learned so much from you.  I will definitely recommend you to friends and family.  But most importantly our priest.

Thank you SO much for everything and being so knowledgeable. We will definitely use Natural Family Planning after marriage. I really appreciate your responding to all e-mails so quickly.

This course was very educational.  I learned things about myself that I never knew before.  Thank you so much.

Thanks so much for your help and your quick responses in the course; we really enjoyed it!

The online course has been very beneficial to me in more ways than I thought would be possible.  I definitely learned more about my religion and how the Church sees and feels about the marital act.  The course definitely has opened my eyes and reshaped and refocused my path to future family planning.

We appreciate all your help and how responsive you have been.  The course has been great and the NFP process seems really strong.

The course is an informative guide to accurately monitor one’s cycle. It accommodates a busy schedule and the material is clear and easy to understand.

I believe this course has very valuable information.  We have also made the decision to discuss with local priests about offering the class for the local Catholic churches in part of pre-marital counseling.  I only wish I had learned this information years ago, especially the ecological breastfeeding prior to my first child. [This person works at a clinic which does “not offer, recommend or refer for abortion, abortifacients or birth control.” The NFPI course and NFPI materials will be free at this clinic. She is now going through teacher training to teach NFP at the clinic.]

We truly wish that others would see NFP as we do.  I know that a man and a woman can benefit tremendously from this method, following God’s teaching and pro-creating.  This course is healthy, simple, convenient and thorough.  We have started charting.  We both know how much we love each other, and each month will be our relationship story replayed over and over again.

Sheila Kippley
NFPI Home Study Course

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