Couples appreciate the information provided by NFP International. We encourage priests to refer their couples to NFPI, especially for the online manual and the inexpensive home study course. Below are some comments we received recently.
“I support you all with gratitude. Your ministry played a large part in the existence of my two youngest children!”
“No one has done a better job of explaining and defending the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage and human sexuality than the Kippleys. Thank you for all that you do.”
“First of all, I would like to thank you for that great manual that you have written. It inspired me to learn more so that I can teach others about it. Unfortunately we don’t have enough resources here in the Philippines about the Sympto-Thermal method. I am recently married and our NFP overview was about the mucus method (and it was only a 5-minute discussion). I was able to download the manual successfully. My husband gave me a hard copy of the manual as a gift because ebooks are just not very good for my eyes. My purpose in downloading the NFP manual was to learn more about getting pregnant and postponing pregnancy the natural way, God’s way. I understood it and it attracted me to ecological breastfeeding. I have recommended the manual to others. I am saving up so that I can give the Archdiocese of Cebu a few copies before I leave for the US to be with my husband.”
“Thank you to your organization for providing the book to the public. My husband and I are newly-married and really want to learn more about NFP for its many benefits both for our budget and the health of our marriage. Thank you again for providing this resource.”
“It is a pleasure to support an organization committed to furthering godly practice in the home. Thanks for the great resources and the blogs.”
“Thank you SO much for everything and being so knowledgeable. We will definitely use Natural Family Planning after marriage. I really appreciate you responding to all e-mails so quickly. The church did ask us to start this course 6 months before the wedding but time always got away from us so we apologize for that. Again, thank you for everything.”
“Thank you! It has helped us already. I looked it up (& downloaded & ‘donated’ before… but then couldn’t find it on my computer, so I re-downloaded it) before our 2nd daughter was born, to learn about ecological breastfeeding. It’s been such a wealth of information. I also read all your breastfeeding books during my 2nd pregnancy. We had a lot of trouble conceiving our son, but then got pregnant with our daughter when he was only 7 months old. Your books really taught us a lot, and we really appreciate all your work. We’re hoping to use your information to conceive again. Thank you!”
“One of the most significant changes I’ve felt since I’ve start your course is the understanding of being regretful toward God for wanting to prevent a pregnancy right now. I ask for forgiveness every day now for taking the necessary steps to prevent pregnancy. The other benefit is that I feel much healthier. In all aspects of my life I avoid taking medicine; rather I do everything to be naturally well and balanced. What I learned from this program is that birth control is altering my body in an unhealthy way that leads to breast cancer. I’m so thankful to have a more natural and healthy way to prepare for and prevent pregnancy now. It feels really great to be free of all drugs. Thank you for opening my heart even more and improving my health.”
Sheila Kippley
NFPI Home Study Course