Natural Family Planning and Ecological Breastfeeding

Some mothers believe that you have to wear your baby all the time in order to space babies.  I make note to these mothers that wearing your baby is not one of the Seven Standards.

Wearing baby is a good practice for so many activities and can be done by the father as well.  I regret that today you see many parents with strollers and rarely do you see a parent with a baby carrier on their body. I loved various slings (front, back and hip) for walks, shopping and even occasionally when ironing or making dinner.  But indoors it was rare and for a short period of time.  I even used the infant seat the rare time mainly so baby could sit up and watch me.  You can have mother-baby togetherness in many ways.

That being said, I also believe it is good to let the baby be free to wiggle, move his arms and legs, etc. on the floor near mom.  I had a book by Bonnie Prudden on exercise for little ones and how it is healthy for babies and toddlers to be exposed to various activities.  She described physical activities for little ones that could be done in the home.

The key to the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding is mother-baby togetherness and frequent and unrestricted nursing.  The main point here is that there are many ways to have mother-baby togetherness and, of course, baby carriers are certainly one way and a convenient way at times.

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding

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