The Catholic Nursing Mothers League is a much needed ministry nowadays when careers are often glorified as more important than motherhood, and formula feeding is sometimes seen as equivalent to breastfeeding. Because society sends mixed messages and even family members are sometimes not as supportive as they should be, nursing moms need a place to go for support. One way to meet this need is to have smaller support groups within a faith community; that is why the Catholic Nursing Mothers League (CNML) exists.
The CNML ministry provides emotional and spiritual support and good breastfeeding resources and information to nursing moms within the context of the Catholic faith. The especially nice part of a CNML meeting is that prayer is not only allowed but encouraged. Also, natural family planning, sacramental preparation for children, and spiritual growth for moms among others are regular topics of discussion. Although many secular breastfeeding support groups give great breastfeeding information, prayer and faith related topics are often taboo, and also many immoral topics are readily discussed nonchalantly. The currently 15 and growing number of Catholic Nursing Mother League groups around the country not only provide trustworthy breastfeeding information, but they also help Catholic moms grow in their faith – a winning combination!
Any interested mother who wants to start a CNML chapter in her parish, can contact CMNL or get more information via the CNML’s email,
Sheila Kippley