From a mother who learned about eco-breastfeeding for spacing the births of her babies:
I have had very little opportunity to chart during our marriage, as we’ve been married 4 years and have two children. I am still waiting (with great anticipation!) the return of my fertility after the birth of our daughter 14 months ago!
I have become a big fan (somewhat of an understatement) of ecological breastfeeding. This is due, in no small part, to your book, Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, for which I am so grateful! I checked it out from our local library before the birth of our eldest and found it invaluable! I wanted to breastfeed, but without all of the information and encouragement I found in your book, I am sure that I would have practiced some form of cultural breastfeeding. Breastfeeding my two children (ecologically, that is!) has been one of the greatest joys of my life!
My son (now 3) is still breastfeeding at night before bed, and my daughter (14 months) is still almost exclusively breastfed. She is not a big fan of ‘real food’ yet. If I hadn’t read your book, I am certain that the experience would not have been so wonderful—I’ve no doubt that it would have been filled with a great deal of anxiety! Needless to say, I have since purchased the book!
I also had a lot of trouble with the idea of the ‘family bed’ at first, and in fact worked hard to keep my son in his crib at night. I finally tried it out with my daughter and I love it! Wouldn’t trade it for the world! I find myself much more rested, and I love the special cuddle time with my little girl. I feel bad that I deprived my son of the same experience. I suppose we all live and learn! The only downside to it is that at 14 months post-partum, I still am waiting for a return of my fertility. As we are older parents (33 and 43), we are anxious to add another member to our family. I must resign myself to the fact that God has a plan, and I need to be willing to accept it, whatever it may be! (T.B, Oregon)
Sheila Kippley
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor
Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing (classic edition)