Natural Family Planning International

Isn’t NFP just another name for Catholic birth control?
Every good that God has given us can be misused.  That’s why it’s important that NFP instruction transmit authentic Catholic teaching about having children.  We quote generously from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Humanae Vitae, and St. John Paul II, and it is appreciated as indicated in the following true statement.
     John, we came to your class with the idea of having only two children and were looking for some sort of Catholic approved birth control.  Your NFP course opened our eyes and we are so happy to have our eight children.

Is there any real need for NFP instruction for most couples?
In his 1981 Familiaris Consortio, St. John Paul II wrote, “Every effort must be made to render such knowledge [about fertility] accessible to all married couples and also to young adults before marriage.”

Does Natural Family Planning International fill this need?
NFP International (NFPI) fills this need in several ways.  By way of content, NFPI is unique.  We teach all the common signs of fertility and infertility in a highly effective cross-checking way; we also teach Ecological Breastfeeding which is the most natural form of baby spacing. We do all of this in the context of the New Evangelization, Catholic morality, and a Covenant Theology of sexuality.

More next week on the teachings of NFPI.
Sheila Kippley

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