(I lost my collection of breastfeeding research for the first part of 2017 because of a computer accident. Thus this series begins in May 2017.)
I decided to analyze the benefits to baby and the mother before I got started. Here are some of the breastfeeding benefits you will be reading about in the next 4 blogs.
The breastfed baby benefits in neurodevelopment and has a close bond with mom up to age 11. The breastfed baby has a reduced risk of overweight, obesity, type 1 diabetes, death, acute respiratory disease, diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis, and many other diseases. The baby also has better teeth, improved test scores, half the asthma attacks, half the SIDS cases, and protection from Crohn’s disease is preventable—very important because new research explains how Crohn’s disease is preventable. Crohn’s disease has reached epidemic proportions, and it is due to women abandoning breastfeeding for infant formula. See the research coming up!
The mother benefits because she breastfed her baby. She has less of the following: breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, endometrial cancer, stroke, and endometriosis. And if she breastfeeds for 15 months or longer, she has the lowest risk of developing multiple sclerosis.
World-wide the benefits of breastfeeding are simply amazing. Sheila Kippley
St. Pope John Paul II: “Attention should be given to the positive benefits of breastfeeding for nourishment and disease prevention in infants, as well as for maternal bonding and birth spacing.” (3/18/1994) He encouraged mothers “to breastfeed their children for four to six months from birth and to continue this practice, supplemented by other appropriate foods, up to the second year of life or beyond…Unlike other modes of feeding, no one can substitute for the mother in this natural activity.” (5/12, 1995)