Natural Family Planning International is Unique!

Our apostolate is in very great need of funds.  We address the primary moral problem of this country: namely, the sexual revolution that started with the acceptance of unnatural forms of birth control.  We are also unique in teaching and promoting Ecological Breastfeeding according to the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding. This form of nursing and baby-care ensures that mother and baby are together and that the baby will be able to suckle frequently.  It DOES postpone the return of fertility.  It also maximizes the already great benefits of breastfeeding, benefits that include reduced risks of at least 21 health problems for babies and another half-dozen benefits for the mothers.

We are also almost unique among pro-life organizations in our theological teaching.  Namely, that “Sexual intercourse is intended by God to be, at least implicitly, a renewal of the marriage covenant.”  That gives real meaning to the human sex act.  Animals “have sex.”  Only married human persons can engage in an act that is, or at least ought to be, a renewal of their marriage covenant.  Meaning really does matter.

There are a zillion non-profit organizations that seek to help those who are the casualties, in one way or another, of the sexual revolution.  Please note: the single greatest source of new poverty is the household headed by a single woman with children.  We seek to reduce that poverty by teaching that sex acts outside of marriage are intrinsically dishonest.  Once that thinking becomes once again part of our culture, there will be a huge reduction in the number of those who are in one-parent, out-of-wedlock families.

Please help our apostolate as much as you can.  We will greatly appreciate it.

Natural Family Planning International, LLC
1124 Wellesley Avenue
Steubenville OH  43952

Or donate online.

John F. Kippley
NFPI President and volunteer

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