Natural Family Planning with Ecological Breastfeeding

From those of other religions:

Protestant mother wrote“I have just finished reading The Seven Standards.  It is immeasurably wonderful to have all of my mothering instincts validated in a society where formula companies and contraceptive manufacturers are using gorilla tactics to scare women into feeling guilty for not using their products…We did not conceive until I weaned our son at 14 months.  We have begun reading the NFPI manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach.  We are both thoroughly enjoying eco-breastfeeding.  We take our baby everywhere and both enjoy the extra cuddling at night, especially my husband who commutes an hour each direction to work everyday and misses the children sorely 5 days a week.  Your book and website are truly a blessing to our whole family, offering us invaluable support in our battle to raise our family with God’s will and His plan instead of giving in to social pressure.  Thank you, thank, thank you.  PS:  Although we are Protestant (Anglican), I gleefully informed my husband that the Pope wants me to take a nap everyday with my babies and now have his full support….”

As a Protestant, eco-breastfeeding had never been presented to my husband and me as a logical way to have a family.  Many of my acquaintances are put on the IUD right after their first baby, and I think it’s a shame. God intended His way of spacing little ones.”

“I am a Christian mother of 3 boys, 8, 4, and 2.  When we attended the Natural Family Planning classes, I read information about ecological breastfeeding.  It made sense so I applied it.  I nursed my first son until he was 21 months old.  My cycle returned when he was 22 months old.  We wanted to get pregnant soon so our children would be spaced nicely, but we didn’t get pregnant for almost a year.  I nursed the second boy until he was 2 years old, and likewise my cycle did not return until 20 months after he was born.  After my 3rd child was born, my cycle returned at 18 months.  I am a believer that it works!  Not only does it work, but it is rewarding and fulfilling to completely give yourself to this helpless little baby.”

“My religion, Islam, encourages breastfeeding for two years and, according to some Muslim scholars, allows birth control to be practiced within that two-year period.  I feel that so many people ignore breastfeeding as a form of natural child spacing.  The techniques you describe are entirely compatible with my religion.”

Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor

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