Many of my Catholic friends and readers have enjoyed the natural spacing of births. Many engaged couples who take the NFPI Home Study Course learn about eco-breastfeeding for the first time. Unfortunately, Natural Family Planning International is the only NFP organization in our country that promotes and teaches Ecological Breastfeeding.
That’s because many persons still do not believe that breastfeeding spaces babies. I wrote The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding for such people. Each chapter is devoted to one Standard and presents the research for that Standard. The book is inexpensive and an easy read. In Cincinnati we give this book free to those who attend the NFPI classes. We encourage you to purchase the book for yourself or for others, and especially for those involved in marriage preparation.
And please join us in praying that the Couple to Couple League and every NFP organization will soon promote and teach Ecological Breastfeeding. There is no good reason not to do so.
Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor