Natural Family Planning Books by the Kippleys at 50% discount

During NFP Week and running through the following World Breastfeeding Week (July 21-August 7), there will be a 50% discount at lulu on the following books below.  World Breastfeeding Week begins August 1 and runs through August 7.

Natural Family Planning:  The Complete Approach  (coil edition recommended for learners; perfect bound for libraries).  All you would want to know about NFP and all the fertility signs  plus related Church teaching.  Price: $18.95.  Sale at $9.47

The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding  The book to have if you want a natural spacing of births.  An abstinence-free NFP option for couples beginning their families.  Mothers who follow this natural mothering plan may go 1 or 2 years without menstruation after childbirth.  God’s plan for mothers and babies.  The best healthy option for both mother and baby.  Price at $11.99.  Sale at $5.99

Battle-Scarred: Justice Can Be Elusive  The Archdiocese of Regina has recently apologized, but 50 years ago why did a Catholic parish pay the Kippleys to leave Canada and never return?  Read about the early history of the NFP movement and the Couple to Couple League.  Why did the Kippleys start NFP International?  Price at $24.99  Sale at $12.49

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: The Ecology of Natural Mothering  This book deals with the culture and how the ecological-breastfeeding mother adapts to a bottle-feeding society. In this classic Harper & Row edition, witnesses express their enthusiasm for eco-breastfeeding.  Price at $14.95  Sale at $7.47

Sale begins July 21st and runs through August 7th.  E-books are not on sale.

Go to:  Or go to and search Kippley.


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