A Rosary Ministry

John has published his Seven Day Bible Rosary since 1993.  Most of these booklets currently go free to prisoners upon request.  Others also purchase this booklet for themselves or for places of adoration.  See https://johnkippley.com/the-seven-day-bible-rosary/.

We occasionally receive a thank-you letter from a prisoner.  Below is one we received recently.

Dear Mr. Kippley,

“Peace and Grace of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all in Light and Love!”

Please forgive my delay in writing to let you know I did receive the Seven Day rosary booklet and pray it daily.  I feel you and people like you who encourage us in the faith are a Godsend, Mr. Kippley.

As for the continuation of such an apostolate which is clearly a precious jewel, you know God will provide a way.

I wanted to confirm my reception of the book with no issues.  [My] unit is a minimum security or is supposed to be and having said that, the unit is a little more relaxed on restrictions except what needs to be restricted.  Thank God.

As for the added intentions, it will be my pleasure to add them.  I have plenty of free time to devote to the Rosary mysteries.

Thank you for your service and know you all are in our prayers.  “May Love guide your every step in Life, and may the Blessed illumination of the Spirit of wisdom alight your pathway to Truth always!”

Christ be with you; Mary protect and pray for us!  In Christ, Jesus.

JFK: The continuation of this Seven Day Bible Rosary apostolate is not certain.  Please pray that it continues.




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