Breastfeeding: A Simple NFP Method

First, April 23 is our third anniversary for blogging.   We began the blogging April 23, 2007.  This blog is #204.  We blog weekly with the exception of daily blogs during NFP Week and World Breastfeeding Week.   You are welcome to review any blogs/categories to the right of this site.  It has been our pleasure to do this.  Now on to this blog about a simple NFP method called eco-breastfeeding.

For years mothers who remained with their babies and breastfed found that their menstruation did not return until months later.  Breastfeeding was known as a natural baby spacer.  So simple.  So easy.  No gadgets.  Baby with you day and night. 
       For years I taught natural child spacing by promoting mother-baby togetherness.  That one biological unit was the key to natural child spacing.  Today this type of mothering is associated with a type of breastfeeding called ecological breastfeeding.
       This mothering also speaks well for the baby’s emotional happiness.  In such societies where breastfeeding moms keep their babies with them, people notice an absence of babies crying, something not experienced in our society.  To learn more about eco-breastfeeding, read The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding: The Frequency Factor.
Next week: Bishop Victor Galeone’s comments on natural child spacing and the absence of crying.

Sheila Kippley
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood

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