Natural Family Planning International, Inc. (NFPI)
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The International Mission

For more than a dozen years, another NFP organization trained NFP teachers in Eastern Europe. By the year 2000, it also supported two full-time workers, one in the Czech Republic, the other in Slovakia. It also supported efforts in Poland and other countries in Western Europe. It gave moral and technical support to volunteer teachers, and it indirectly supported the couples who learned NFP from these teachers.

In 2005, that organization ceased funding and supporting its NFP services in which the language of instruction was not English or Spanish. Our discussions with the former staffer in the Czech Republic led us to believe that a continuing investment in these operations can benefit the Church and the Slavic peoples. We founded NFPI in part to continue the ongoing efforts in Eastern Europe.

These are lands in which people suffered under the heavy hand of atheistic Communism from the days of World War II until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. That's almost two generations. After all these years of anti-religious propaganda, the life of the Church has understandably not bounced back to what it was before, and the influence of the West has brought its own problems of secularism and immorality.

The reception of the NFP message varies from country to country. The apostles of NFP are making significant progress in Slovakia, a relatively Catholic country. Progress has been difficult in the Czech Republic. Our Czech NFP leadership couple lives in the city that at one time had that country's highest percentage of Communist Party members. The Czech husband reached retirement age just as his previous funding ceased, and his European pensions allow him to work completely as a volunteer.

For additional information about NFP in Slovakia in the Slovakian language, go to

For additional information about NFP in the Czech Republic, go to (Czech language).

We ask for your help through your prayers on a regular basis for this effort to bring about a rebirth of chastity and a stop to abortion worldwide, and through sharing these websites with others.